
Rojeni smo popolni (We are all born perfect)


http://appshopper.com/books/we-are-all-born-perfect - klik


A charming, touching and inspirational interactive storybook for children of all ages and adults. 
"We Are All Born Perfect' is the very best multi-media book about pregnancy and birth, where all the awkward questions that kids ask are answered with magic, humor and imagination. 
A wonderful and unforgettable experience for the whole family of a baby arriving.

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An Open Message to Police & Military


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Zakaj je Akira pomemben (Why Akira Matters)



http://www.artofakira.com This video highlights one of the gallery pieces for the upcoming ToonSeum exhibit, Art of Akira. In this video, we see a background piece for a short scene in exquisite detail, which illustrates the overall level of artistic expertise present in the film as a whole. For more information, including high resolution images and details on how you can help expose this important art to the world, visit http://www.artofakira.com

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Rep. Tom Feeney (Fmr. Speaker of The House in Florida) employed this man from Oviedo, FL to rig elections and flip them 51% to 49%.

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Komad dneva: first explorations of collaborative solo to Leo Brouwer


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Bankirji okradli Gadafija - Bankers Rip Off Gaddafi


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Komad dneva: LAURYN HILL


[Singing Chorus]
I get out, I get out of all your boxes

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In ancient Norse mythology, the Ragnarok is equivalent to the end of the world as we know it. This doomsday event was predicted in multiple Norse poems and prose writings, and it literally translates to “doom of the powers” or “twilight of the gods.” In the Norse poems, a volva, or priestess, prophesies about the final battle between the gods and evil forces. During the war, Odin and Thor, two major gods, are killed. Several other minor deities die too. After the battle, the sun becomes black, the stars vanish, and people flee their homes as the earth sinks into the sea.

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Protest proti NATU


Pridruži se nam jutri, 29.11. 2011, ob 12:00 pred ministrstvom
za obrambo v Ljubljani.

Zahtevamo radikalno reformo Nata ali njegovo razpustitev.
Naša vizija je vizija demilitariziranega sveta, vizija konca
nacionalnih oboroženih sil. Te so vse od konca 19. stoletja,
v povezavi z dobičkonosno vojaško industrijo in interesnimi
skupinami, pomembno in usodno vplivale na politično
zgodovino sveta.

Težko bi rekli, da so kaj bistvenega doprinesle k miru in
blagostanju, razen, če razumemo kot doprinos, da so se
po dolgoletnih medsebojnih morijah le odločile za končanje

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