"Nič manj značilna ni enakost pravic v staroslovanskih družbah. Polno pooblastilo je pripadalo celotni skupnosti, in zatorej so se morali sklepi sprejemati soglasno. Prvotno je beseda mir pomenila občinsko skupščino in hkrati soglasnost njenih sklepov[...] Izraz mir odseva obdobje v katerem je imel vsak član skupnosti -- ženske ravno tako kot moški -- enake pravice."
-- M. Eliade
A love/hate relationship with jazz, a quirky alt-rock mindset, and the genuine need to create a new music that is coherent and personal, became their common ground in the hard-working years that followed. From this the self-proclaimed 'alleged Brown-sound' was born. It's denial of simple description has spawned poetic-licensed terms such as math-rock, stumble-funk, punk-jazz and what-not... a highly energetic & inventive music, which is tight but dirty, complex but loose, where amputated rhythms collide with spring-loaded melodies and surprise awaits around every corner.