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Sobota, December 20, 2008
Začetek: 22:00


bridge to solace

Band, ki prihaja iz Madžarske, je nastal iz političnega hardcore banda Newborn. To se zagotovo sliši v njihovi glasbi, ki je istega značaja kot so bili Newborn, se pravi hiter, skoraj punkrockerski hardcore, vendar tokrat v precej bolj metalski maniri kot so bili Newborn.
Širsi javnosti so se predstavili z odličnim prvencem Of Bitterness And Hope, ki je bil izdan na nemški metalcore založbi, Let It Burn Records (Crisis Never Ends, Awoken, Fear My Thoughts, Scars of Tomorrow,...), na isti založbi so izdali še Kingdom of the Dead EP, v letu 2006 pa še povsem novo ploščo za založbo GSR Music (To Kill, Enemy Ground, Liar, Knuckledust,...).

a murder theory

Nova Gorica
A Murder Theory rose from the ashes of Recent Cloak, a group of friends playing heartfelt punkrock music. Reborn in AD 2005, the outfit added an aggressive melodic death metal edge to their sound while keeping the passion and sincerity of the former band. As of Fall 2007, more elaborate material is being written in order to convey our disappointment with society.

in the crossfire a 5 ''piece'' band...Most members began playing in local bands somewhere in 98/99..but most of those bands had a short life-expectancy ...Nevertheless they were the base,the fundaments for some of those guys who are these days playing in quite a few Slovenian ''leading'' hardcore and metalcore acts (ITC,Killing option,Curse of instinct and more), even JAZZ, and other projects like (THE STROJ and now its upgraded version STROJMACHINE). However...Band was formed in summer 2003 ,Music we play could be simply described as hardcore/metal crossover.But through all these years ,our music has been changing/upgrading from the good 'ol oldschool,to new school,slowly getting more and more bittered,angry,becoming more metalized , recently trying to/and we know we do/ achieve more and more brutality with heavy breakdowns and down tempo parts.

Torek, December 23, 2008
Začetek: 22:00




Sreda, December 24, 2008
Začetek: 22:00


1st set by
King B Fine vocals
in association with
dubYdub Foundation:
Miloš Rebula keyboard
Knez Mato drumz
Prezident Thierno Diallo bass

Podrobnejša navodila za jam

Petek, December 26, 2008
Začetek: 22:00



Baba K
Nigeria, Slovenia

B Fine
Sierra Leone, Slovenia

Daddy P
Africa, Italy

Sobota, December 27, 2008
Začetek: 22:00


Welcome back to HELLEKTRO!!!

Ponedeljek, December 29, 2008
Začetek: 22:00


Duo originaire de Toulouse, le groupe est né d'un clash de mixtapes entre amis. De fil en aiguille, quelques scènes sont venus ponctuer les sorties des mix : résidence au Karukera a Castres, mix au Cri de la Mouette a Toulouse, Batofar à Paris, et Fete de la Musique a Toulouse.
Des petites salles aux plus grosses scènes en passant par les free party, les Brand Nuh régalent les oreillles de tous les amateurs de bon son. Du reggae roots, au dancehall en passant par le hip hop et la jungle, ils savent varier les plaisirs. En fait Brand Nuh est le collectif!

Sobota, Januar 3, 2009
Začetek: 20:00


danes se bo zgodil od 20.00 naprej/
Tonite from 20.00 on



Vabljeni tudi ustvarjalci in izvajalci ostalih izraznih načinov!/
Performers and producers of other artistic expressions are also welcome!

Prinesite instrumente in opremo s sabo!/
Bring your instruments and equipment!
Spoštujte oder!/
Respect the stage!

Torek, Januar 6, 2009
Začetek: 20:00


Spet je eno leto okrog in se nam zdi prav, da staremu letu izrazimo hvaležnost s tem, da priredimo žurček. Poleg tega je že skoraj eno leto minilo od zadnjega kadilskega žura, zato smo k sodelovanju povabili tudi Društvo kadilcev in ljubiteljev tobaka, ki bo veliko pripomoglo k prijetnemu ambientu. Alexandre Chtchenine


Sreda, Januar 7, 2009
Petek, Januar 9, 2009
Začetek: 22:00

Koncertna dvorana Tovarne ROG, Trubarjeva 72, 1000 Ljubljana

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