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Junij 22, 2009 - Julij 12, 2009
06 / 22
(cel dan)
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

(cel dan)
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

Konec: 04:00
Začetek: 21 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 22 Jun 2009 - 04:00

koncertna dvorana

Na zaključni zabavi nas bo po plesnih ritmih sprehajal dj BORKA in še kdo odprto tudi za vse željne plesa

Začetek: 22:00

Koncertna Dvorana

NEW RIOT (skapunkreggaeswing, Anglija)

New Riot je relativno nov bend, ki je nastal iz ruševin skupine Fandangle - POSLUŠAJ TUKAJ. Prinašajo pa najboljše iz ska punk žanra. Glasba ki jo igrajo je direktna, energična in povzroča tako zasvojenost, da si ne boste mogli privoščiti ostati mirni, ko boste zaslišali kar se dogaja na odru. Fantje planirajo igrati vsepovsod po svetu, kjer bodo svojo strast širili v vsak kraj in mesto, ki jim bo to dovoljevalo. Za leto 2010 pripravljajo veliko turnejo, kadar bo izšel njihov prvenec, na katerem jim bodo pomagala razna znana imena iz glasbene industrije. Junija se na cesto odpravljajo prvič pod novim imenom, ko vas bodo presenetili z novimi komadi. Tega si ne želite zamuditi, "there's going to be a RIOT!"

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 22 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 23 Jun 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screenings will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

Luis Bunuel: Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie (1972)

A surreal, virtually plotless series of dreams centered around six middle-class people and their consistently interrupted attempts to have a meal together.

06 / 23
(cel dan)
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

(cel dan)
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 22 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 23 Jun 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screenings will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

Luis Bunuel: Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie (1972)

A surreal, virtually plotless series of dreams centered around six middle-class people and their consistently interrupted attempts to have a meal together.

Začetek: 21:00


Dogodek, ki bi se moral zgoditi 2.12.2008, se bo zgodil v torek, 23.6.2009. Tu je izvirna objava s spremenjenim datumom:

Po dveh uspešnih izvedbah performansa v Transzentrali prihaja na vrsto koncertna dvorana.

Žiga Pilih - sketch box
Thierno Diallo - kontrabas

V temi bo Žiga slikal s svetlobo na svetlobno občutljive plošče ob glasbeni spremljavi Thiernota na kontrabasu.

Oba izvajalca bosta v spontanem in improviziranem ustvarjanju navdih črpala tudi drug iz drugega, tako da bo zvok vplival na podobe in hkrati tudi podobe na zvok.

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 23 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 24 Jun 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screenings will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

Werner Herzog: Grizzly Man (2005)

An amateur grizzly bear expert Timothy Treadwell moved to Alaska to live among the grizzly bears for thirteen consecutive summers, with the pretext of studying and protecting them. In 2003, he and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard were surprisingly attacked and eaten by a rogue bear.

06 / 24
(cel dan)
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

(cel dan)
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 23 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 24 Jun 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screenings will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

Werner Herzog: Grizzly Man (2005)

An amateur grizzly bear expert Timothy Treadwell moved to Alaska to live among the grizzly bears for thirteen consecutive summers, with the pretext of studying and protecting them. In 2003, he and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard were surprisingly attacked and eaten by a rogue bear.

Začetek: 21:00



Redno letno srečanje reggae DJ-ev in sound systemov v SLO

se bo tudi letos zgodilo v TOVARNI ROG v sredo, 24.6.2009. To je dogodek na katerem imajo aktivni izvajalci in združbe izvajalcev, ki delujejo na področju Slovenije, možnost PREDSTAVITI SVOJO PRODUKCIJO.

Objava in poročilo s Konference2008

Glede na to, da se bo to zgodilo v sredo, tudi ta dogogek paše v koncept FreestyleKARAOKE&JAMsession, ki se dogajajo vsako sredo, vendar bo to srečanje bolj zaprtega tipa, saj naj bi sodelovali samo reggae soundsystemi in izvajalci.

Začetek: 22:00


Gibanje FreestyleKARAOKE&JAMsession je že imelo dogodke v galeriji Kljub Vsemu, v TransZenTrali 27, v Cirkusu,...

Tokrat bomo v MODREM KOTU na skrajnem zahodu ROGa.

FreestyleKARAOKE&JAMsession bojo ta dan bolj akustične narave in na manjši glasnosti kot ponavadi. Mogoč bo tudi priklop električnih instrumentov, vendar tišje.

Karaoke so zastavjljene s čim manj omejitvami kreativnosti in izražanja. Namenjene so predvsem aktivnim udeležencem, ki pridejo igrat ali pet, čeprav so tudi tisti, ki pridejo samo poslušat in gledat dobrodošli. Eno galvnih pravil je FREESTYLE, kar pomeni, da napake v nastopu niso možne. Ne moreš se zmotiti tudi če se hočeš! Poleg tega spodbujamo komunikacijo in sodelovanje med nastopajočimi med nastopom. Po želji omogočimo tudi nastop solo točk, če se izvajalec ne počuti dobro v družbi ostalih, vseeno pa želi nekaj pokazati.

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 24 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 25 Jun 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screenings will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

Christoph Schlingensief: Freakstars 3000 (2004, Germany)

An apparent social satire that attempts to take off various reality TV programs, most notably the Pop Stars format, and TV in general. The protagonist gains access to a German institution, consisting of a number of mentally and physically handicapped individuals with the intention of auditioning them for a new band called the "Freakstars".

06 / 25
(cel dan)
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

(cel dan)
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 24 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 25 Jun 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screenings will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

Christoph Schlingensief: Freakstars 3000 (2004, Germany)

An apparent social satire that attempts to take off various reality TV programs, most notably the Pop Stars format, and TV in general. The protagonist gains access to a German institution, consisting of a number of mentally and physically handicapped individuals with the intention of auditioning them for a new band called the "Freakstars".

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 25 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 26 Jun 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screenings will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

Aki Kaurismäki: Calamari Union (1985, Finland)

Ten Finnish men, all named Frank Armoton (Frank Merciless), start an exodus from the workers part of town to a better life in Eira, an upper class neighborhood by the sea. One by one they get separated and lost in the way, just two of them eventually arriving to Eira - years too late.

Konec: 02:00
Začetek: 25 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 26 Jun 2009 - 02:00

koncertna dvorana

ob izidu nove plošče zopet nove konzerve v rogu....

06 / 26
(cel dan)
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

(cel dan)
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 25 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 26 Jun 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screenings will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

Aki Kaurismäki: Calamari Union (1985, Finland)

Ten Finnish men, all named Frank Armoton (Frank Merciless), start an exodus from the workers part of town to a better life in Eira, an upper class neighborhood by the sea. One by one they get separated and lost in the way, just two of them eventually arriving to Eira - years too late.

Konec: 02:00
Začetek: 25 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 26 Jun 2009 - 02:00

koncertna dvorana

ob izidu nove plošče zopet nove konzerve v rogu....

Začetek: 21:00


Po uspešnem prvem poskusu, 14.2.2009,
alias FUNK,HIPHOP,CYPHER plesnoglasbenopesniškovizualni sešn
smo se odločili, da stvar izvedemo še enkrat v podobni obliki.
Poročilo s FUNK,HIPHOP,CYPHER plesnoglasbenopesniškovizualnega sešna, 14.2.2009.

Bboying hosted by:


LiveFUNKmusic by:




All friends and coleagues are WELCOME for active participation!!

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 26 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 27 Jun 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screenings will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

Perry Henzell: The Harder They Come (1972, Jamaica)

A young man from Jamaican countryside comes to the city to make it big singing Reggae, but finds life in the city to be harder than he thought. He is taken advantage of by both the record producer and the marijuana boss he later starts dealing for. When he kills a police officer, he becomes Jamaica's most wanted man, and a momentary hero to all the oppressed Jamaicans. Starring Jimmy Cliff as Ivanhoe Martin.

Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 26 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 27 Jun 2009 - 06:00

Jakobova dvorana





FROM 22:00

06 / 27
(cel dan)
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

(cel dan)
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 26 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 27 Jun 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screenings will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

Perry Henzell: The Harder They Come (1972, Jamaica)

A young man from Jamaican countryside comes to the city to make it big singing Reggae, but finds life in the city to be harder than he thought. He is taken advantage of by both the record producer and the marijuana boss he later starts dealing for. When he kills a police officer, he becomes Jamaica's most wanted man, and a momentary hero to all the oppressed Jamaicans. Starring Jimmy Cliff as Ivanhoe Martin.

Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 26 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 27 Jun 2009 - 06:00

Jakobova dvorana





FROM 22:00

Začetek: 22:00
Konec: 23:59

dvorana vzdihljajev


Sopha je 7 do 13 članski funk, jazz, hip hop kolektiv iz Antwerpna, v Dvorani vzdihljajev pa se bodo oglasili na poti v Makedonijo!!!

Več o njih na:

Oliver Rombouts: vocals
Yannis Derbali: vocals
Tijs Delbeke: keyboards, vocals, trombone
Jelle Gebruers: electric guitar
Thomas Baeckens: bass
Maarten Verresen: drums
Linus van Hove: alto saxophone, tenor saxophone
Alban Sarens: tenor saxophone
Sam Joris: trumpet
David van Kerckhoven: trumpet, piano
Matti Van de Kutvijver: trumpet, trombone, euphonium

06 / 28
(cel dan)
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

(cel dan)
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

06 / 29
(cel dan)
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

(cel dan)
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

06 / 30
(cel dan)
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

(cel dan)
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

Začetek: 21:00


Cabaret bo! Z nekaterimi novimi in starimi sodelavci pripravljamo eno in edino izvedbo, ki se bo zgodila v koncertni dvorani Tovarne Rog.

Šlo naj bi za kombinacijo glasbe, glasu, giba, slike,... Točen potek in oblika cabareta pa sta zaenkrat še skrivnost tako zate kot tudi zame! Imamo nekaj variant na razpolago...

Od prvotne ideje pred več kot enim letom, ko smo začeli s projektom, je ostalo bore malo, pravzaprav le glasba. Večina sodelavcev je odstopila, še bend je v razsulu. Ta folk mi je dokazal, da se na nikogar od njih ne morem zanesti in da sploh niso resni.

Začetek: 22:00
Začetek: 30 Jun 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 1 Jul 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screening will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

Clyde Geronimi, Wilfred Jackson, Hamilton Luske:
Alice in Wonderland (1951)
Animation / Fantasy / Musical

07 / 1
Konec: 06:30
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

Konec: 09:00
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

Začetek: 22:00


Kot ponavadi

Prinesi svoje potrebščine!
Spoštuj oder!

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 1 Jul 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 2 Jul 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screening will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

John Schlesinger: Midnight Cowboy (1969)
Drama / Comedy

07 / 2
Konec: 06:30
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

Konec: 09:00
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 1 Jul 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 2 Jul 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screening will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

John Schlesinger: Midnight Cowboy (1969)
Drama / Comedy

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 2 Jul 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 3 Jul 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screening will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

Alfonso Cuarón: Children of Men (2006)
Adventure / Drama / Sci-Fi / Thriller

Začetek: 22:00
Konec: 23:59

dvorana vzdihljajev

Avto se jim je dokončno pokvaril, stucked in Barcelona!!!
Po tem, ko so dobili rezervne dele iz Velike Britanije in jim je uspelo popraviti avto, se v našo dvorano vračajo DISASTERADIO!!!!!
Bodite priča dogodku, kjer bomo zbirali prispevke za češke avtomehanike!!! VABLJENI!!!

Luke Rowell aka DISASTERADIO je novozelandska underground glasbena legenda. Glasbo v slogu synth-popa 80-ih je začel pisati pred dobrimi desetimi leti, od kaset do svojega zadnjega albuma Vision. Novozelandska revija Real Groove je album Vision ocenila za najboljši novozelandski album v letu 2007.

07 / 3
Konec: 06:30
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

Konec: 09:00
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 2 Jul 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 3 Jul 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screening will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

Alfonso Cuarón: Children of Men (2006)
Adventure / Drama / Sci-Fi / Thriller

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 3 Jul 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 4 Jul 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screening will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

Charles Chaplin: The Great Dictator (1940)
Comedy / War / Drama

07 / 4
Konec: 06:30
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

Konec: 09:00
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 3 Jul 2009 - 22:00
Konec: 4 Jul 2009 - 01:00

If the weather is nice, the screening will take place in the yard, if it rains, indoors Jakobova dvorana. No entrance fee.

Charles Chaplin: The Great Dictator (1940)
Comedy / War / Drama

Začetek: 22:00
Konec: 23:59

dvorana vzdihljajev

HIDDEN LAYER /trash hardcore/Hrvaška:

DAKHMA /hardcore punk/Češka:

ABSTINENTIA /hardcore punk/Češka:

07 / 5
Konec: 06:30
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

Konec: 09:00
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

07 / 6
Konec: 06:30
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

Konec: 09:00
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

07 / 7
Konec: 06:30
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

Konec: 09:00
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

Začetek: 22:00

Koncertna dvorana

Pred velikim koncertom na Lentu se nam bo predstavila legenda romske glasbe tudi v Rogu.

07 / 8
Konec: 06:30
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

Konec: 09:00
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

Začetek: 22:00


kot ponavadi.
Vabljeni vsi kreativci!


Free Cene Quartet

Cene Resnik saksofon
Vitja Balžalorsky kitara
Vid Drašler bobni
Jošt Drašler bas

Prinesite potrebščine s sabo!
Spoštujte oder!

07 / 9
Konec: 06:30
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

Konec: 09:00
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

Začetek: 22:00

Koncertna Dvorana

THE PLAGUE MASS (Graz, Avstrija)

The Plague Mass so avstrijski D.I.Y. hardcore punk bend, ki v svojo glasbo meša vplive metala in crust-a, vse skupaj pa začinjajo odličnimi političnimi besedili. Člani benda so prej igrali v legendarnih avstrijskih bendih kot so Antimaniax in Pledge Alliance. Ljubljano bodo obiskali v sklopu turneje "LIVING AMONG THE MEAT EATERS", katere cilj je promovirati istoimensko ploščo! Z novim basistom in bobnarjem stari znanci slovenskih underground odrov zvenijo še bolj drveče in jezno.

07 / 10
Konec: 06:30
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

Konec: 09:00
Začetek: 30 Maj 2009 - 06:30
Konec: 10 Jul 2009 - 09:00

Plesna Delavnica

Dance Workshop - technique and performance - with Nicole Speletic
Open classes - intermediate/advanced level - Tuesday and Thursday evening - 6:30-8:30 - all are welcome - performance opportunity at end for whoever is interested.
Please rsvp to

07 / 11
Konec: 06:30
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3

Začetek: 22:00



The Debussy Project

Projekt obravnava klasično glasbo, v tem primeru Debussyjeve samospeve z jazzovskim jezikom in obenem obravnava jazz skozi impresionistično razumevanje glasbe.
Izhodišče projekta so Debussyevi samospevi, ki so prearanžirani za jazz kvintet. Je akustična, lirična glasba, ki temelji na raziskovanju zvoka. Besedila so avtorska in povečini v slovenskem jeziku.
Jazzovski princip vpeljuje svobodo v osebnem izrazu in improvizacijo, v impresionizmu pa je poudarek na zvoku, kreiranju atmosfere in posameznih trenutkov s pomočjo barve zvoka. Poseben izziv predstavlja trajen proces iskanja združitve dveh svetov, jazza in klasike. Aranžmaji ne temeljijo le na konkretni odslikavi Debussyeve kompozicije, temveč so kolaž posameznih delov značilnih za to kompozicijo. So prevod glasbenega materiala v sodobnejši jezik in predvsem v Nančino osebno občutenje te glasbe. Glasbeniki vsak skozi svoj inštrument ohranjajo značilnosti impresionizma in jih odražamo skozi svoboden osebni izraz in improvizacijo. Poleg omenjenega, daje Nanča poudarek tudi besedilom. Projekt stremi k raziskovanju zvoka in barve slovenskega besede in kako le ta prispeva k glasbenemu ustvarjanju.
Vsak samospev je krajša ali daljša zgodba, kjer z roko v roki hodi več različnih glasbenih svetov, ki so po Nančinem mnenju en sam in to je glasba.

07 / 12
Konec: 06:30
Začetek: 20 Maj 2009 - 05:00
Konec: 20 Jul 2009 - 06:30

Plesna Delavnica

Nicole Speletic - class preparation and choreography
Tuesdays, Thursdays 5-6:30 Wednesdays 12:30 - 3