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Januar 29, 2010 - Januar 30, 2010
01 / 29
Začetek: 20:00
Konec: 23:00

Socialni Center Rog, Trubarjeva 72, desno skozi glavna vrata

Tutti Frutti Cinema

29.1.2010, ob 20h v Socialnem centru Rog


1975, ZDA, 124'

Režija: Sidney Lumet

Igrajo: Al Pacino, John Cazale, Estelle Omens, John Marriott

Film Pasje popoldne režiserja Sidneya Lumeta temelji na resničnem bančnem ropu v Brooklynu, ki se je spremenil v krizo s talci. Al Pacino in John Cazale igrata nesposobna bančna roparja Sonnyja in Sala, ki ju okoliščine potisnejo v nemogoč položaj. Preden jima uspe pobegniti, banko obkoli policija, Sonny pa bančne uslužbence vzame za talce in s pogajanji skuša dobiti priložnost za beg. Stvar se nikamor ne premakne, prek megafona pa lahko vsi slišijo Sonnyjevo glasno razpravljanje s policisti in tako ta za nekaj trenutkov postane kontrakulturni junak v času družbenih nemirov tistega časa.

Začetek: 20:00

jazz place kljub vsemu

Mal bomo zurali rolov nam bo Jan vmes bomo pa se risanko pogledal. Pridte bo fajn. Aja pa se Katja vam bo slike pokazala......

Konec: 05:00
Začetek: 29 Jan 2010 - 22:00
Konec: 30 Jan 2010 - 05:00

ULTiMA - upstairs in ROG, Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana

Orrriginal SuperNatural Multi-Orgazmic Hysteria Gogol Bordello stylee //djDimon

hmm.. Black Sea Dancehall? ai, these Black Sea swindlers and dj crooks ..don't expect pure Dancehall.. you'll find traces of ragga jungle , sex-crazed gypsy punk, underground hiphop&breakbeat and god knows what else, in that thing they try to push as dancehall,always

and of course tonight we'll be expanding Guineess Record book with superglorious 11 International Star dj Line-up due to that popular local demand )))!!

DJs: Titi Bandido(Esp), Ivan The Whorrible (Russia), Jah Skrew (Jamaica), Likah Lickah (Ethiopia), Punnani superChasah (UK, yo!), Black Sea Muff Diver (Turkey), Balkano Bazooka (ex-Yugo), Selecta superSelecta (SLO), Huj-Na-Na (Tokyo), 2Cool2Roll (UK) and DJ In-Betweeni (Italia)

01 / 30
Konec: 05:00
Začetek: 29 Jan 2010 - 22:00
Konec: 30 Jan 2010 - 05:00

ULTiMA - upstairs in ROG, Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana

Orrriginal SuperNatural Multi-Orgazmic Hysteria Gogol Bordello stylee //djDimon

hmm.. Black Sea Dancehall? ai, these Black Sea swindlers and dj crooks ..don't expect pure Dancehall.. you'll find traces of ragga jungle , sex-crazed gypsy punk, underground hiphop&breakbeat and god knows what else, in that thing they try to push as dancehall,always

and of course tonight we'll be expanding Guineess Record book with superglorious 11 International Star dj Line-up due to that popular local demand )))!!

DJs: Titi Bandido(Esp), Ivan The Whorrible (Russia), Jah Skrew (Jamaica), Likah Lickah (Ethiopia), Punnani superChasah (UK, yo!), Black Sea Muff Diver (Turkey), Balkano Bazooka (ex-Yugo), Selecta superSelecta (SLO), Huj-Na-Na (Tokyo), 2Cool2Roll (UK) and DJ In-Betweeni (Italia)

Konec: 05:00
Začetek: 30 Jan 2010 - 23:30
Konec: 31 Jan 2010 - 05:00

Ljublana Trubarjeva 72 UPSTAIRS, ROG territory

turboreactive merciless multi-kulti party cocktail and supernatural multi-orgazmic hysteria, all up to GogolBordello's mile-high transcontinental party standards, da!!! scroll down for music played..

it ain't no plastic 'balkan beats' for german yappies, hehe

dj/vj Dimon + them 11 superfamous ones DJs..

plus some girls-students will be shooting this extraspecial video report for their student project about somewhat..ehh...oh, yeah, here, "Alternative way of living".. fuck, what's 'alternative' , we don't really know of any other decent ways to live.. pura vida ultima transcontinentale and paranormale IS The Way! - no doubt about; what's alternative - human cloning society?? or "huj society"??? wha-evah..