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April 08, 2010 - April 28, 2010
04 / 8
Konec: 03:00
Začetek: 8 Apr 2010 - 21:00
Konec: 9 Apr 2010 - 03:00

koncertna dvorana

neocrust AUSTRIA

post hardcore FRANCE

post hardcore FRANCE

punkrock GERMANY


punkrock GERMANY

04 / 9
Konec: 03:00
Začetek: 8 Apr 2010 - 21:00
Konec: 9 Apr 2010 - 03:00

koncertna dvorana

neocrust AUSTRIA

post hardcore FRANCE

post hardcore FRANCE

punkrock GERMANY


punkrock GERMANY

Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 9 Apr 2010 - 23:59
Konec: 10 Apr 2010 - 06:00

ULTIMA - Tovarna Rog, Urpsatirs, Trubarjave 72, Ljubljana

Newly born Pura Vida Ultima Sound Systema invites all of you crazy party heads out there to celebrate Vesna's bithday. Lots of cool progressive people expected to join the fiesta

featuring a bunch of new remixes by djDimon and lotsa party dynamito explosives as usual, plus shooting video material for rapid-fire party videomixtura to come out to the world in nearest future

If you're fed up with retarded boredom of so-called 'alternative' spots, come to Ultima & check out the explosions of real party dynamite and join our wild bashes. not gonna find no bullshit of any kind here, guaranteed.

04 / 10
Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 9 Apr 2010 - 23:59
Konec: 10 Apr 2010 - 06:00

ULTIMA - Tovarna Rog, Urpsatirs, Trubarjave 72, Ljubljana

Newly born Pura Vida Ultima Sound Systema invites all of you crazy party heads out there to celebrate Vesna's bithday. Lots of cool progressive people expected to join the fiesta

featuring a bunch of new remixes by djDimon and lotsa party dynamito explosives as usual, plus shooting video material for rapid-fire party videomixtura to come out to the world in nearest future

If you're fed up with retarded boredom of so-called 'alternative' spots, come to Ultima & check out the explosions of real party dynamite and join our wild bashes. not gonna find no bullshit of any kind here, guaranteed.

Konec: 12:00
Začetek: 10 Apr 2010 - 12:00
Konec: 11 Apr 2010 - 12:00

club "Ultima" - Tovarna ROG(UPSTAIRS), Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana

If you dig the raw power,original fire and the humor of Ultima's pura vida parties, crash by for another superintence event.

New kinda party, and new kinda art is buckle up, Evropa!!

As always, looking forward to party with the progressive wing of Ljubljana, hope you're enjoying the speed of ultra avante guarde transloglobal art. Others will catch up, just give them a few years..

well..looks like Ultima is totally ruling European Party scene.. so talk to your neighbour to have his Christmas party or Birthday Bash at our place, we make it nicccce..ask around, we already put out a few Birthday bashes that shook up the town in this season.
Expect Multi-Kulti turboreactive Mash-Up by djDimon + 11 international superstar djs // Ultra intence D'n'B , Swing, Rio Funky Hiphop/Breakbeat, Trubači, Ska-Punk, Ragga-Jungle, Black Sea Dancehall, Reggae & beyond + wicked vide projections

Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 10 Apr 2010 - 21:00
Konec: 11 Apr 2010 - 06:00

Koncertna Dvorana

Datura(anarho punk,trbovlje)

Antikontra(HC punk, koper)

Kamšot(rock,ska,punk, Ljubljana)



04 / 11
Konec: 12:00
Začetek: 10 Apr 2010 - 12:00
Konec: 11 Apr 2010 - 12:00

club "Ultima" - Tovarna ROG(UPSTAIRS), Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana

If you dig the raw power,original fire and the humor of Ultima's pura vida parties, crash by for another superintence event.

New kinda party, and new kinda art is buckle up, Evropa!!

As always, looking forward to party with the progressive wing of Ljubljana, hope you're enjoying the speed of ultra avante guarde transloglobal art. Others will catch up, just give them a few years..

well..looks like Ultima is totally ruling European Party scene.. so talk to your neighbour to have his Christmas party or Birthday Bash at our place, we make it nicccce..ask around, we already put out a few Birthday bashes that shook up the town in this season.
Expect Multi-Kulti turboreactive Mash-Up by djDimon + 11 international superstar djs // Ultra intence D'n'B , Swing, Rio Funky Hiphop/Breakbeat, Trubači, Ska-Punk, Ragga-Jungle, Black Sea Dancehall, Reggae & beyond + wicked vide projections

Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 10 Apr 2010 - 21:00
Konec: 11 Apr 2010 - 06:00

Koncertna Dvorana

Datura(anarho punk,trbovlje)

Antikontra(HC punk, koper)

Kamšot(rock,ska,punk, Ljubljana)



04 / 12
Začetek: 21:00

Koncertna Dvorana

RLV Booking & Insane Booking & Promotion predstavljajo indie/punk/hardcore/progressive večer v ljubljanski Tovarni Rog. barve No Ide Records iz Gainesvillea bodo predstavljali odlični Bridge And Tunnel in Young Livers, progresivni City Of Ships in francoski Wank4Peace pa nas bodo vse ogrevali to večer.

Bridge and Tunnel

(indie rock, No Idea Records, ZDA)

Young Livers

(punk rock, No Idea Records, ZDA)

04 / 13
04 / 14
Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana - concert hall

Jam bojo otvorili

the Human Playings

Rok Zalokar klaviature/vokal
Kristijan Armeni kitara
Luka Smole bas
Jernej Kersnik bobni
Po tem pa se odprejo za folk

Tradicionalne Freestyle Karaoke & Jam Session

Pred glasbeno otvoritvijo se bo zgodila ena eksperimentalna lutkovno glasbena intervencija z naslovom

04 / 15
Začetek: 22:00

Koncertna Dvorana

High Five Drive

(Winnipeg, Kanada)

V preteklih osmih letih so High Five Drive bili trikrat v Evropi in prepotovali Kanado neštetokrat. Izdali so EP in dva celovečerna albuma na Japonskem za Fast Circle Records, v Kanadi na Spawner in Lost Records in Evropi za Bad Mood Records. V preteklosti so albume snemali z veteranom Blairom Calibabo, katerega dela so: Gob, Sum 41, No Means No, ter s kitaristom in pevcem Belvedere ter sedanjiih This is a Standoff, Steveom Rawlesom. Četrtič v Evropi in tudi v Ljubljani pa prihajajo z novim izdelkom, ki sliši na ime "Fullblast" in bo izšel na kar nekaj evropskih založbah. Fantje prisegajo na hiter in tehničen melodični hardcore, ki smo ga vajeni od njihovih kanadskih kolegov Mute, This Is A Standoff in ameriških A Wilhelm Scream.

04 / 16
Konec: 03:00
Začetek: 16 Apr 2010 - 22:00
Konec: 17 Apr 2010 - 03:00

Socialni Center Rog, Trubarjeva 72, desno skozi glavna vrata


Basskilla (Total Destruction)
Freedom Fighters Sound
Puppa Robbie (Dubsystem Sound)

Petek 16.04.2010 ob 22h, vstop prost, zbiramo donacije.

Tokrat gostimo ekipo iz slovenske obale. dancehall veterana Basskilla in osvežitev primorske reggae scene Freedom Fighters Sound.

Welcome to JamRog;)!

Dogodek solidarizira z ljudmi, ki so zaprti v centrih za tujce.

Konec: 12:00
Začetek: 16 Apr 2010 - 22:00
Konec: 17 Apr 2010 - 12:00


VISUALS: Micro04
Z novim močnejšim ozvočenjem 10KW

04 / 17
Konec: 03:00
Začetek: 16 Apr 2010 - 22:00
Konec: 17 Apr 2010 - 03:00

Socialni Center Rog, Trubarjeva 72, desno skozi glavna vrata


Basskilla (Total Destruction)
Freedom Fighters Sound
Puppa Robbie (Dubsystem Sound)

Petek 16.04.2010 ob 22h, vstop prost, zbiramo donacije.

Tokrat gostimo ekipo iz slovenske obale. dancehall veterana Basskilla in osvežitev primorske reggae scene Freedom Fighters Sound.

Welcome to JamRog;)!

Dogodek solidarizira z ljudmi, ki so zaprti v centrih za tujce.

Konec: 12:00
Začetek: 16 Apr 2010 - 22:00
Konec: 17 Apr 2010 - 12:00


VISUALS: Micro04
Z novim močnejšim ozvočenjem 10KW

Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 17 Apr 2010 - 23:59
Konec: 18 Apr 2010 - 06:00

club "ULTIMA" - Tovarna ROG (UPSTAiRS), Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana

22.00 - 07.00

If you're fed up with retarded boredom of so-called 'alternative' spots, come to Ultima & check out the explosions of real party dynamite and join our wild bashes. not gonna find no bullshit of any kind here, guaranteed.

New kinda party, and new kinda art is buckle up, Evropa!!

As always, looking forward to party with the progressive wing of Ljubljana, hope you're enjoying the speed of ultra avante guarde transloglobal art. Others will catch up, just give them a few years..

well..looks like Ultima is totally ruling European Party scene.. so talk to your neighbour to have his Christmas party or Birthday Bash at our place, we make it nicccce..ask around, we already put out a few Birthday bashes that shook up the town in this season.
Expect Multi-Kulti turboreactive Mash-Up by djDimon + 11 international superstar djs // Ultra intence D'n'B , Swing, Rio Funky Hiphop/Breakbeat, Trubači, Ska-Punk, Ragga-Jungle, Black Sea Dancehall, Reggae & beyond + wicked vide projections

04 / 18
Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 17 Apr 2010 - 23:59
Konec: 18 Apr 2010 - 06:00

club "ULTIMA" - Tovarna ROG (UPSTAiRS), Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana

22.00 - 07.00

If you're fed up with retarded boredom of so-called 'alternative' spots, come to Ultima & check out the explosions of real party dynamite and join our wild bashes. not gonna find no bullshit of any kind here, guaranteed.

New kinda party, and new kinda art is buckle up, Evropa!!

As always, looking forward to party with the progressive wing of Ljubljana, hope you're enjoying the speed of ultra avante guarde transloglobal art. Others will catch up, just give them a few years..

well..looks like Ultima is totally ruling European Party scene.. so talk to your neighbour to have his Christmas party or Birthday Bash at our place, we make it nicccce..ask around, we already put out a few Birthday bashes that shook up the town in this season.
Expect Multi-Kulti turboreactive Mash-Up by djDimon + 11 international superstar djs // Ultra intence D'n'B , Swing, Rio Funky Hiphop/Breakbeat, Trubači, Ska-Punk, Ragga-Jungle, Black Sea Dancehall, Reggae & beyond + wicked vide projections

04 / 19
04 / 20
Začetek: 22:44

Koncertna dvorana, Tovarna ROG, Trubarjeva 72, 1000 Lj, Slo, EU

____________ ____________


Catania, Italy
Alternative / Indie / Experimental

The new album of HC-B, an underground band of exceptional quality surprises with some audacious deeds and the development of their arrangements. Here we have a massive hard rock orchestra with some overflowing woodwinds, a sweet trumpet ballad, strings-rich post-folk, noise-rock backed by metronomic drums, and moments approaching the visionary Godspeed You Black Emperor!

04 / 21
Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana

Kot po navadi vsako sredo

Tradicionalne Freestyle Karaoke & Jam Session



Miloš Rebula



Žiga Kožar


04 / 22
Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana

death metal / black metal / trash

metal / trash

emo crust

04 / 23
Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana - concert hall




Uroš Buh z gostoma Mariom Babojelićem in Andrejem Škobernetom - Bobom

Več informacij sledi...

04 / 24
Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 24 Apr 2010 - 22:00
Konec: 25 Apr 2010 - 06:00

club "Ultima" - Tovarna ROG(UPSTAIRS), Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana

If you dig the raw power,original fire and the humor of Ultima's pura vida parties, crash by for another superintence event.
Tonight expect serious dancefloor debauchery to fresh tunes from new yet-to-be-released Gogol Bordello album and remixes/refixes/mashups from Dimon an his newly born Pura Vida Ultima Sound Systema
New kinda party, and new kinda art is buckle up, Evropa!!

As always, looking forward to party with the progressive wing of Ljubljana, hope you're enjoying the speed of ultra avante guarde transloglobal art. Others will catch up, just give them a few years..

04 / 25
Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 24 Apr 2010 - 22:00
Konec: 25 Apr 2010 - 06:00

club "Ultima" - Tovarna ROG(UPSTAIRS), Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana

If you dig the raw power,original fire and the humor of Ultima's pura vida parties, crash by for another superintence event.
Tonight expect serious dancefloor debauchery to fresh tunes from new yet-to-be-released Gogol Bordello album and remixes/refixes/mashups from Dimon an his newly born Pura Vida Ultima Sound Systema
New kinda party, and new kinda art is buckle up, Evropa!!

As always, looking forward to party with the progressive wing of Ljubljana, hope you're enjoying the speed of ultra avante guarde transloglobal art. Others will catch up, just give them a few years..

04 / 26
Začetek: 22:00

Koncertna dvorana Tovarne ROG, Trubarjeva 72, 100 Ljubljana, SLO, EU

STARTODAY are a hardcore band were born in april 2007.
We have an EP called ILLUSION (recorded in Rome in October 2008 by Alex Gavazzi (Jet Market) @ Hell Smell Studio and mixed/mastered in Santeramo (BA) in December 2008 by Massimo Stano @ Studio Mediterraneo) out since January 09 under the edge of INDELIRIUM RECORDS ( and in distribution in JAPAN for FASTCIRCLE RECORDS (, 6 songs with lyrics about friendship, truth and everyday reality for fans of Strike Anywhere, No Trigger and Comeback Kid. Special guests on two songs: Alex from JET MARKET and Alex from STRENGTH APPROACH.
We have also a tour on the way so check it out on this page because we'll hit many parts of Italy.
STARTODAY shared the stage with: High Five Drive, Pride of Haka, the Cassidy Scenario,Homer, The End Of 6000 Years, The Conflitto, Exit On The Left, Heartattack Radio, The Memory, Billy The Kid, As A Drop Of Blood, Houba, Lepeselony, Unaware, Rise From The Agony, Strength Approach, Bedtime For Charlie, Thanx 4 All The Shoes, Waiting For Better Days, To Ed Gein, No Blame, Daily Grind, One Trax Minds, Jet Market, While You Wait, Ceiling Down, Hole In The Head, Straight Opposition, Question Marks, Nettezza Umana, Suneatshours, L'Alba Di Nuovo, My Distance, Matrioska, Antefatti, Lekkerbekken, Do One's Nut, Down Petersons, Behind The Mirror, Planar Evil, Kill Joy, Happy Noise, Trigger Boys, Venuse, Lies, Andromeda, MaiVe.

04 / 27
04 / 28
Začetek: 20:00
Konec: 22:00

Socialni Center Rog, Trubarjeva 72, desno skozi glavna vrata

Organizirani dogodek je del pobude Za svobodo svetov, ki predstavlja izraz želje po preseganju ustaljene mimobežnosti številnih emancipacijskih bojev, ki se odvijajo na teh prostorih. Kljub fragmentiranosti teh bojev, ki sicer morda temeljijo na drugačnih izhodiščih ter uporabljajo različne prijeme, pa vendarle obstaja zavedanje o njihovih stičiščih, utemeljenih na nujnosti družbene transformacije, ki bo jamčila enakost in svobodo vseh izrazov in oblik življenja. Izmenjava izkušenj, aspiracij in vizij ter njihovo mreženje pomenijo priložnost za vzpostavljanje drugačne podstati, iz katere lahko zrastejo mnogoteri prihodnji boji, predvsem pa prispevajo h gradnji in povezanosti prostorov, ki omogočajo necenzurirano in varno izražanje raznovrstnih družbenih razlik.

Začetek: 22:00

concert hall

Tradicionalne Freestyle Karaoke & Jam Session


Marko Lasič bobni, tolkala
Vid Drašler bobni, tolkala
Aleš Valentinčič kitara