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Ponedeljek Januar 14, 2013
Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana

The Rodeo Idiot Engine

We’re not all born under same stars. While some grow up in utter and shitty boredom in a peaceful suburbean house, others come into being in a world where one diverts himself by releasing bulls in the streets and where the quick words for diplomacy are “ETA”. And this inevitably affects psychological development.
The Basque of THE RODEO IDIOT ENGINE are the most obvious living proof or so to speak of this and after a first EP in 2010 (” The First Fall”) and a first LP in 2011 ("Fools Will Crush The Crown") which had already triggered 4 European touring escapades, a show at the Hellfest and at the Fluff Fest and a wheelbarrow of first parts (Refused, Suicidal Tendencies, Birds In Row, Nadja, Kruger, Celeste…), the quintet have climbed few stages in musical extremism and are ready to sink in this way.