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Ponedeljek, August 12, 2013
Začetek: 20:00

koncertna dvorana

-ISKRA (can)





-ZAPRTI ODDELEK (ex Anaeroba slo)

( donations at door are collected as benefit for ROG squat gig activities and equpment !! support DIY !!! )

After years of being together Mitja & Anja decided to get married... runing a DIY record label, organising tours and gigs and still living this lifestyle.
Dear punx and mateys... Join us for this party we re organising to cheer up our life step with help of dear friends active doing gigs and take good care for everyone on every step with a smyle on their face- so here's the line up !!! no sleep till Rog Squat !!!

Sreda, August 21, 2013
Začetek: 20:30
Konec: 23:00

Vrtiček/kino pod zvezdami Socialnega centra Rog

Sreda, 21.8.2013 ob 20:30, na vrtu revitaliziranega Socialnega centra Rog

Vrtela se bosta dokumentarna filma o vstajah v Turčiji in Grčiji, ki dajeta zagon za nova zarotniška srečevanja in refleksijo o upornem dogajanju doma:

"Taksim Commune: Gezi Park And The Uprisin In Turkey" (Brandon Jourdan and Marianne Maeckelbergh)
"Children of the Riots" (Christos Georgiou).

Taksim Commune: Gezi Park And The Uprising In Turkey
Brandon Jourdan and Marianne Maeckelbergh

Kratek dokumentarec govori o okupaciji Gezi Parka, njegovi izpraznitvi 15.7.2013 ter protestih, ki so se odvijali po tem. Vključuje intervjuje z mnogimi, ki so v njih sodelovali ter posnetke, ki še niso bili predvajani.

Četrtek, September 5, 2013
Začetek: 20:30
Konec: 22:00

Social Center Rog

Meet two Hungarians who will speak about their individual experiences as activists in the Migráns Szolidaritás Csoport/Migrant Solidarity Group of Hungary, this Thursday, September 5th at 8:30pm. Since November 2012 a large group of mostly Afghans who have refugee status in Hungary have been in a political struggle with the Hungarian government for better conditions at the Bicske Refugee Camp and the possibility of integration and life in Hungary.

After many protests, petitions, negotiations and other tactics many gave up and as a political protest left Hungary en masse to Germany to re-seek asylum and refugee status there.