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Marec 24, 2017 - Marec 24, 2017
03 / 24
Konec: 01:00
Začetek: 23 Mar 2017 - 21:00
Konec: 24 Mar 2017 - 01:00

cirkus alias cirkusarna

Elektro lutanje same sebi prepuščene posadke

Atamarando AZUR spet ni na krovu, surfata s Skafandro, ker je pa točn zdele glih fuldobr.

Brez kontrole: 0-coast, monotribe, OP-1 in še ne i-dent i-ficirano ostalo.

Začetek: 22:00

Second home- Drugi dom

DJs Ali and Borsan take us on a trip through the intense and sometimes psychedelic sounds that make Arab and Kurdish weddings, street parties and protests such an amazing experience. Known as “common people” music, shaabi (or mahraganat, as it’s sometimes referred to in it’s electronic auto-tuned form) has recently gained global attention through a number of documentaries and articles, as well as popular artists such as Sadat, while dabke can now be heard on dance floors all over the world thanks to Omar Souleyman. Despite this western popularity, the genres remain one of the loudest voices of working class people and light up parties from Marocco to Iran.