Afriški večer v ROGu

Poslal-a ThDi, Sre, 22/08/2007 - 12:42
24 Aug 2007 - 21:00

koncertna dvorana, socialni center

V sodelovanju z društvom - Afriski center vas v petek, 24. avgusta ob 21h vabimo v Dvorano vzdihljajev v glavni stavbi bivše tovarne Rog na Trubarjevi 72 na afriški večer. DJ Jazzva bo predstavil najnovejše afriške albume in glasbene trende, potem pa vas bodo do poznih nočnih ur z afriško glasbo zabavali dj-i. Vzporedno bo v socialnem centru potekala degustacija afriške hrane.


In cooperation with The African Center we invite you to an African cultural evening on Friday, August 24th at 21:00 in concert hall in the main building of the ex-Rog factory at Trubarjeva 72. DJ Jazzva will present the latest African albums and musical trends. This will be followed by an African dance music program. African food will be served in the Social Center at the ex-Rog factory.

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Poslal-a kaptive, Sre, 22/08/2007 - 12:50

For too long time there has been no africa in ROG.
Massive respect to all
tschus aus osterreich