MINUTN_FUN_BITOKHN Benji_Fox_Rosen & SXIP SHIREY (Brooklyn,NewYork) &FRIENDS_from_Vienna (klezmer_avantgarde)

Poslal-a ThDi, Tor, 31/03/2009 - 15:10
12 Apr 2009 - 21:00


Since the year 2007, there has been an intense cooperation between musicians from New York and Vienna who play klezmer and avantgarde music.

Benjy Fox Rosen



Sxip Shirey


from Brooklyn, New York, will come to Europe this April in order to tour with their friends from Vienna. On the 12th of April, they will also perform in Ljubljana, Rog factory's concert hall. There will be two shows, one playing rather traditional, very danceable jiddish songs, the other one very interesting sounds played on a broad variety of weird instruments, using influences of klezmer, hiphop and avantgarde.

-The New York Times

One of the most hypnotizing and gratifying
shows we had been to in a long time.


Sxip has the incredible ability to turn the minds of his audience almost entirely inside out.
-Nonsense NYC

Real life circus composer

Sxip Shirey

creates ecstatic melodies, unimaginable sounds and deep sexy beats utilizing Industrial Flutes, Bullhorn Harmonica, Regurgitated Music Box, Triple Extended Pennywhistles, Miniature Hand Bell Choir, Human Beat Boxing, Obnoxiophone, Glass Bowls With Red Marbles, and a clutch of curious objects. A confusion of novelty, experimental and electronics, that’s wild, deep and entertaining.

Sxip has been featured at TED in Monterey California and at SXSW in Austin Texas. He has toured the U.S. as support act for the Dresden Dolls and performed at their two days festival at the Round House in London England. He had a hit show at the Adelaide Fringe Festival in Australia. In New York City Sxip performs regularly at Joe’s Pub in New York City. Has also performed at The Knitting Factory, Tonic, Makor and many underground parties in Brooklyn. As a circus composer he has performed at the Kennedy Center in Washington D.C. The Sydney Opera House and the New Victory Theater on Broadway.

“One of the most wonderful, demented and bellicose themes of bedlam that has ever blessed a crappy Casio keyboard...one of the most hypnotizing and gratifying shows we had been to in a long time."
“Sxip conjures a world of infernal calliopes and cotton candy machetes wielded by Gypsy crones with angel feet.”
-SF Weekly
“It’s nice to know that in these days of high tech digital music, you can still create sound with something as simple as marbles and kitchen mixing bowls...Think La Monte Young, Tibetan Singing Bowls and the Plate Spinners from the old Ed Sullivan Show. As fascinating to watch as to hear."
-- John Diliberto, Echoes (National Public Radio)

A smart suit.

A table of toys, musical devices, and curiousities.

A maelstrom of beautiful sound.


+1 917.627.4648

U.S. Bookings
Charisma Artist
Shelly Ubbelohde
+1 877.534.8021


Benjy Fox-Rosen's "Minutn fun Bitokhn/Moments of Faith"

is an arresting new synthesis of Yiddish folk songs with new music, improvisation and art song. Telling universal stories of pre-war and wartime Jewish life, the songs of beloved Krakow songwriter and poet Mordechai Gebirtig (1877-1942) are given bracingly new perspective by Fox-Rosen and his multi-stylistic ensemble.

"A vivifying concert of old lyrics in new bottles." Zackary Berger

"Improvisation, when done as convincingly as it was here, is a special current animating even overly familiar music. Improvisation and composition combined are the best of both worlds."- Zackary Berger

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Poslal-a ThDi, Tor, 21/04/2009 - 13:41

Dobr je blo. Sound je delal Marko, RBS. Kosilo/večerjo sta priskrbela Sanja&Mladen.
Sxip je igral prvi, pri dveh ali treh komadih mu je pomagal Dieter na bobnih. Šlo je za dokaj odfukano zadevo z nekatrimi nenavadnimi instrumenti, efektiranimi do nerazpoznavnosti. Uporabljal je orglice, glas, loop station, ful enih efektov in še kaj. Flavte in akustične kitare, ki mu ju ni uspelo dovolj dobro usposobiti zaradi slabe baterije, nameraval ju je namreč efektirati do nerazpoznavnosti, nazadnje ni uporabil na svojem koncertu. Kul, zanimivo, nekoncencionalno. Narobe je začel en svoj komad in se nedaleč od začetka ustavil ter rekel: "I have to do this again... Laugh at me, Benjy Fox Rosen!" Ampak ni bilo sile. Ful hud komad o soseski Brooklyn, New York, kjer živi, mešanica stilov od hip hopa do reggaeja v izvedbi enega človeka s pomočjo instrumentov in mašin.
Benjyju so pomagali trije glasbeniki še klarinetist in harmonikašica, bobnar. Igrali so tradicionalno židovsko glabo v jidišu, jeziku nemških židov? Benjy je pri skoraj vseki pesmi tudi povedal o čem poje. Benjy je tudi pel. Na koncu se je vse malo bolj razživelo in folk je tudi plesal. Klezmer party! V živo! Na koncu se jim je pridružil še Sxip s kitaro.
Malo se je zataknilo pri količini zbranega denarja. Kljub temu, da se je koncert zgodil na Veliko noč se je zbralo 70eurov prostovoljca. Iz dvorane smo lahko dodali še 40eurov, kar je skupaj 110eurov, njim pa je bila najmanjša zaželena vsota 150eurov. Niso bili ravno zadovoljni ampak jim ni preostalo drugega kot da sprejmejo, saj drugih stroškov kot s prevozom niso imeli. Naslednji dan so vsi šli igrat na Prešerca akustični koncert in tam dobili toliko, da so bili lahko zadovoljni. Sicer ne vem koliko točno so dobili, ampak Marta mi je dala za potežkat in bila je konkretna teža. Ona je ocenila na 50 do 70 eurov, meni se je zdelo več. V glavnem iz Ljubljane so odšli zadovoljni z vsem in brez zamer in tudi mi smo bili zadovoljni.

It was good. Marko, RBS, was behind the mixer. Sanja&Mladen provided the lunch/supper.
Sxip played first and Dieter on drums helped him with two or three songs. It was a quite unusual concert with some unusual instruments effected so much that they were hard to recognize. He used harmonica, voice, loop station, a lot of effects, and more. In the end he didn't use the flute and acoustic giutar, because of the empty battery, he wanted to effect them so much that they wouldn't be recognizable. Cool, interesting, unconventional. He started one of his songs wrong. He stopped not far from the beginning and said: "I have to do this again... Laugh at me, Benjy Fox Rosen!" But it was still OK. It was a very intense song about the neighbourhood Brooklyn, New York, where he lives. It is a mixture of styles from hip hop to reggae executed by one man with help of instruments and machines.
Three musicians helped Benjy, clarinetist, accordeonist and drummer. They played traditional Jewish music in Jiddish, language of german Jews? Benjy explained the story of almost every song. Benjy sang, too. Toward the end everything got more lively and people danced, too. Klezmer party! Live! At the end Sxip joined them on giutar.
There was a slight problem with the collected money. Eventhough the concert happened at Easter there were 70euros collected. From the hall we coul add 40euros, which make 110euros together. The smallest acceptable amount for them was 150euros. They were not very happy but what else could they do but to take the money. Their only expence was the transport. Next day they all went to center to the Three bridges to play an acoustic concert and got so much that thev could compensate the little amount from the concert in Rog. I don't know how much exactly they got, but Martha let me weigh it wit my hand and it was quite heavy. She estimated the it was 50 to 70 euros, I thought it was more. In the end they left Ljubljana happy about everything and without hard feelings and we were happy, too.

Poslal-a kaptive, Pet, 20/05/2011 - 09:38

Playlista: * http://www.youtube.com/playlist?p=PL68AF043E9CDC5F4D

Poslal-a ThDi, Sob, 25/04/2009 - 11:14

Dieter mi je poslal popravek poročila s koncerta, ki ga posredujem kot odgovor na poročilo:
"hey thierno!
thanks a lot, very cool report. only mistace: jiddish used to be the language of jews from eastern europe, not only from germany.
best greetings, take care, dieter

Poslal-a ThDi, Pet, 24/04/2009 - 20:59

Martha Laschkolnik harmonika/accordeon
Maciek Golebiowski klarinet/clarinet
Dieter Behr bobni/drums

Poslal-a klemen192, Ned, 12/04/2009 - 15:10

a je vstopnina ?

Poslal-a ThDi, Ned, 12/04/2009 - 15:32

Vstopnine ni! So pa zaželeni prispevki za nastopajoče, da si pokrijejo stroške pa imajo mogoče še kaj za zraven. Več daš, boljš je!