!!**koncert**!! !!*27.12.2009*!! Gu Guai Xing Qiu

Poslal-a kaptive, Ned, 27/12/2009 - 02:18
27 Dec 2009 - 22:00

Koncertna dvorana Tovarne ROG, Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana, Slovenija, EU

Gu guai xing qiu


Tako nam je ime,
boben-bass-sint-punk-grind-eksperimentalna skupina
katere nastop vključuje tudi performans

'nori znanstvenik kontrolira svoje glasbene robote'

Roboti so od
Nancy iz Francije
in Wuhan-a iz Kitajske.
Smo od 2003
ter smo ze imeli turneje v mnogih državah
( Kitajska, Francija, Nemčija, Španija,
Italija, Švica, Belgija,
Slovenija, Hrvaška, Češka, Poljska, itd )

The name of band is Gu guai xing qiu, we play bass-drum-keyboard-punk-grind-experimental music with a performance "mad scientist control his music robots". Robots are from nancy of France and wuhan of China. we're since 2003 and we'd toured in many country (China, France, Gemany, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Slovenia, Croatia, Tchequie, Poland, etc)

we'll tour with all our instruments and equipments except the PA system.

more informations:



videos are visible on youtube

Email: guguaixingqiu@hotmail.com

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Poslal-a kaptive, Sre, 30/12/2009 - 08:33
Poslal-a kaptive, Pon, 04/01/2010 - 20:16

i think i should tell you what happened after leaving lubijana. on the border with austria we were stoped by some slovenia highway agents and forced to pay a fine of 150 euros because we didn't have a highway vignette for slovenia. by entrance of slovenia we didn't see any board which show the obligation of vignette.
i think you should inform others bands or passengers at your place this stuff.
hope to see you again and have nice days!