Poslal-a špelček, Pet, 12/03/2010 - 20:50
11 Mar 2010 - 20:00 || 13 Mar 2010 - 09:00
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Poslal-a nuša, Pet, 19/03/2010 - 22:10

We're home from the tour now so I just wanted to say thanks again to you for the excellent gig in Ljubljana ( we had a lot of fun!) and also, more importantly, to thank you and your friend Arnouska (? guess I spelled that wrong didn't I?!) for taking us to Wien when we were stuck - thank you both so much for that - we really did appreciate it very much. We were just sorry that we didn't really get to say goodbye properly as we got taken round the back of the concert place in Wien and I think you went in the front(?) and then the place was so packed that we couldn't get out again for a bit and by then I think you must have already gone - so sorry about that - hope you didn't think we were being rude, we were just stuck in these corridors full of drunken punk rockers! Still, the gig was great fun again and then we were able to meet up with our driver the next night in Praha so all ended well.

So, once again, many, many thanks to you both - hope the second night of your festival was equally good - and hope we can come back again some day!

All the best,

Poslal-a kaptive, Pet, 11/06/2010 - 09:59

Poslal-a kaptive, Pet, 11/06/2010 - 09:53

Poslal-a ThDi, Ned, 14/03/2010 - 22:20

link do RŠ intervjuja z Oi Polloi

da lahko poslušaš intervju, ustavi radio, klikni na znak za pavzo zgoraj levo ob napisu radio playing

Poslal-a ThDi, Sob, 13/03/2010 - 11:55

OĐH niso prišli, ker se je enemu od članov rodil otrok. OiPolloi so rasturali, dvorana je bila polna, prostovoljnih prispevkov pa rekordna vsota in ravno prav za vse nastopajoče. Drugi dan se je zgodila ena mala koncertna intervencija od enega benda, ki ne vem kako jim je ime, zaigrali so dva komada. Najboljši niso prišli, igrali pa so AntiKontrA, ampak sprašujem se, če bi temu še lahko rekel koncert. Bobnar je zajebaval, ampak so v 40 minutah celo zaigrali ene dva cela komada. Od tega je bil pevec na bobnih pri ene treh komadih. Moshpits so prišli, ampak so se skregali in niso igrali. Njihov basist jim je rešil čast in uletel proti koncu jama, ki se je razvil iz koncerta AntiKontrA in trajal do pol petih zjutraj. To je bil punk jam s primesmi, ki se je v svoji zadnji fazi prelevil v bolj tradicionalni freestyle.