Poslal-a ThDi, Čet, 08/04/2010 - 17:49
23 Apr 2010 - 22:00

koncertna dvorana - concert hall






Uroš Buh z gostoma Mariom Babojelićem in Andrejem Škobernetom - Bobom

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Poslal-a ThDi, Pon, 19/04/2010 - 14:42


Over the last years, FrozenchilD from Ljubljana have successfully made their way among Slovenia's best creative line-ups. With their exhilarating and inspiring performances, they have captivated audiences in Slovenia, Austria, and Germany.
In the begining of the year 2007 they successfully released their debut album BIRTH (CPZ Records)

At the very core of their creativity lies the band's desire to express genuine and subtle feelings and emotions, which they convey through their music characterised by powerful and melodic riffs on the one hand, and outstanding vocal interpretation on the other.

In terms of their music, FrozenchilD refuse it to be governed by the rules of mainstream. They prefer to follow their collective intuition, which takes them well beyond the established norms. Researching sound and composition, and discovering entire galaxies of possibilities will often yield surprising results. Their music generates a wide spectrum of emotions, which are best experienced at their live shows.

The combination of impressive riffs, cathartic and melancholic vocals, and frantic soloing is sure to captivate the mind and soul of every spectator.

The name FrozenchilD bears a reference to the child in every one of us. Today's world forces us into estrangement, a state of dreary apathy and stubborn rigidity of the mind. The name FrozenchilD reflects on and warns from the lethargy and numbness of the human society.

Poslal-a ThDi, Čet, 08/04/2010 - 18:05

Začelo se je leta 1999, ko so kitarist in vokalist Denis Skočić ter basist Matej Meža prvič zaigrali pri bobnarju Gašperju Novaku. Nekaj let so koncertirali pod imenom Unpleased, nakar se jim pridruži solo kitarist in back vokalist Matej Nahtigal. Skupaj so ustvarjali več let in tako dobili zvok, ki je nekako spominjal na post grunge. Po pavzi od leta 2005 sta se januarja 2009 Denis in Gašper ponovno sestala in poiskala prostor za vaje v Ljubljani. Pridruži se jima novi basist Gary Chase iz Velike Britanije, natančneje iz mesta Southampton, pokličejo še solo kitarista Mateja in nova zasedba Hi-Ride je prerojena. Od takrat Hi-Ride preigrava staro in ustvarja novo avtorsko glasbo, ki je nekako odmaknjena od mainstreama in določa svoje smernice melodičnega punka, rocka in grungea.