Rog-O-ziN: Slovenia (unciklopedia)

Poslal-a kaptive, Pet, 04/06/2010 - 09:12

Slučajno sem naletel na tale opis Slovenije v Unciklopediji.


Slovenia (From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia)

Slovenska Republika, Slovenia or Solvakia, Slovenia

Motto: "You can't see us!"

Anthem: "Tax, Tax, Tax us to Death..."

Geography: Unfortunately, Slovenia is so ridiculously small that scientists haven't yet managed to pinpoint its exact position.

Capital: Triglav

Largest city: Forest

Official languages: Slovenia has no official language as Slovenians either speak some incomprehensible slang dialect or some mixture of Slavic languages from neighboring countries.

Government: House Rules

President: Turkey

Prince Regent: Skinny narcissist

National Hero(es): Kekec, the Bedanec hunter

of Independence: 1991 from dirty Communists, ended in 2004 when joined gloriousEuropeanEmpire

Currency: Euro, only exchangeable for heroine

Religion: Slovenians believe in drugs when they're young, and they believe in alcohol when they're older.

Opening hours: Due to its infinitely boring state, time stands still in Slovenia.

Slovenia is a former part of socialist Yugoslavia which is now more commonly known as Serbia who got their asses bombed by Team America. Slovenians decided that they don't wish to be part of the bombings, so in 1991 Slovenia became one of the smallest independent countries in the world for everyone else to point a finger at and laugh. The irony here is that no one knows exactly where to point the finger at. At one time Slovenia called Team America stupid, so Team America, believing that Slovenians are hiding Weapons of Mass Stupidity (WMS) such as Matjaž Hanžek and Janez Drnovšek, decided to nuke Slovenia, but then they got terribly confused because all they could find on the world map was Slovakia, thus Team America was forced to abandon their previous plans and invade Iraq instead.


Slovenia is so small that almost no one in the world knows where it is. As a result, a lot of people think of Slovakia when they hear about the existence of Slovenia for the first time. The neighboring countries of Slovenia think of Slovenia as a semi-decent parking lot, even though there's no real parking space when you actually want to park in Slovenia. Slovenia also has a tiny part of the Adriatic Sea which Slovenians use for their personal hygiene in summer time. After that, Slovenians usually stay smelly and unclean till next summer.

Since Slovenia is so small, Slovenians are not allowed to play loud music in their homes so they don't upset their neighboring countries and cause an international incident. Slovenia also has no place for prisons, so when a Slovenian breaks the law they have to go stand in the corner of the country and feel ashamed for what they've done. Slovenia has only one cleaning lady from Bosnia who works part-time; she cleans the whole country and then goes home to her husband who beats her up for the job well done.

History and Culture:
The highly praised national gay hero of Slovenia, Kekec.

Only the history of drunk farmers exists in Slovenia since all Slovenians ever did was farming, drinking, complaining about their micro-issues and being ignorant about everything larger than their boring little lives. Subsequently, Slovenia's greatest national hero is Kekec who was the most famous and most praised high-pitch-singing-Alpine-herdsman among Slovenians. Kekec was also gay, which only confirms the previous suspicions about Slovenia being a paradise for homosexuals.

Kekec's greatest enemy was Bedanec who is known to be the last real, hairy, heterosexual man to live in Slovenia. Bedanec wanted to beat the shit out of Kekec, but Slovenians decided that Slovenia has no place for straight heterosexual men, so as the peak of the Slovenian culture Slovenians proudly depicted Bedanec as a shame to all that Slovenia and Slovenian men stand for. As a role model for Slovenian women, the Kekec's blind companion Mojca became just as important, but not as much mentioned throughout the Slovenian history.

Soon, many other Slovenians followed this trend. France Prešeren, the drunk writer of the Slovenian anthem which is basically a song about drinking alcohol all day long and being depressed because no decent woman wants to have sex with you, became the most famous Slovenian poet in Slovenian history, and got his drunk face put on one of the top three highest currency bills of Slovenian Tolar. Not too long thereafter, Ivan Cankar, the most suicidal creature with wild passive-aggressive tendencies known to ever exist on the face of the Earth, became the most famous writer in Slovenia, and his depressing face was put on the highest currency bill of Slovenian Tolar as a result.

In summary, throughout the history of Slovenian culture, Slovenia strongly encourages homosexuality, drinking, mass-depression, and suicide. Thus more than 31% of Slovenians commit suicide on yearly basis, which statistically places Slovenia among the top three most suicidal countries in the world.

An average Slovenian family after tax day.

The only known education in Slovenia is retardation. The people who employ these techniques are known as teachers in Slovenia, and they're known as incompetent Nazis in more educated parts of the world.

The incompetent-Nazi-school-system in Slovenia is very efficient at two things:

* making Slovenian children even more retarded, and
* making Slovenian youth violent and filled with hatred.

But often the above isn't even a problem because the Slovenian youth often becomes a convenient mock for Slovenian adults with low self-esteem issues and lousy family relationships. Plus, when kids come home from school with regular negative scores, their parents beat the crap out of them to teach them a valuable lesson of discipline. Subsequently, 90% of Slovenian teenagers are on drugs all the time to make themselves feel better and escape the inevitable depression issues and a potential suicide.

Politics and Foreign relations:

Since the Slovenian declaration of independence in 1991, Slovenians were very afraid and paranoid of everyone around them. That includes the Croats who want to have the Slovenian sea-tub for themselves, the Austrians who threaten Slovenian folk music with their own superior folk music, and the Italians with gelled hair who frequently steal Slovenian women from drunk Slovenians. In desperation, Slovenia quickly joined both, NATO and the European Union.

As a base of Slovenian political system, Slovenia is the only country in the world without a Constitution, it has House Rules instead. Subsequently, no Freedom of Speech is known to exist in Slovenia as the afore mentioned House Rules are mostly despotic in nature.

Slovenia is ruled by two political parties - by the Hlapci (Servants) and by the Konjušniki (Horsegrooms). The parties draw their origins from the times of Austria-Hungary rule over their country. In those times, hlapec (servant) was the most common profession of the Slovenes. Those more successful and bright could be promoted in the konjušnik (horsegroom) position. Both parties have the same political program - which can be described shortly this way:

* Serve our (Slovenian) masters dutifully and humbly following the good-roman-catholic doctrine: be servile, suffer, and listen.
* Regularly claim that Slovenia is an European (not a Balkanic - God forbid!), independent, and sovereign country
* Borrow as much from the foreigners as you can - in the name of Slovenian people; put in your pocket of the borrowed money - as much as you can.

The differences between these two parties are

* Hlapci are representatives of the common people
* Konjušniki are supported exclusively by the new and the old (non-existent) Slovenian nobility.

One of the many typical tourist sites in Slovenia, mainly consisting of cattle, trees and dung.

Due to its incredibly small size, there are very few things to see in Slovenia, and you can see all of them in one day over and over again till you get vertigo. Mainly there are lots of cows and horses as you would expect from a country which basically consists of farms. Subsequently, there is a lot of horse-shit lying around, and there is a lot of cow-shit, too. So when you, for whatever insane reason, decide to visit Slovenia, provided that you can find it first, make sure you don't step in a load of bullshit as there is plenty of that lying around as well.

Once you get tired of smelling all the dung you can handle, you can go on and watch some boring trees, or hug them in case you're a hippy, as more than a half of Slovenian area is covered with nothing but trees, which makes the tree population easily higher than the population of Slovenian residents. Combine all the trees with all the cattle, and the ratio becomes astronomical as the residential population becomes barely noticeable in comparison. But you can still catch a drunk farmer from time to time, and when you do, make sure you take a picture as there is nothing more interesting to see in Slovenia.

For those without comedic tastes, the self-proclaimed experts at Wikipedia have an article about Slovenia.

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Poslal-a kaptive, Pet, 04/06/2010 - 10:30

Slovenija (Iz Butalopedije)

Slovénija, neuradno Dežela ali Slovakia je obmorska in podalpska janševska enklava v sredini Srednje Evrope, ki na zahodu meji na Plinski terminal, na severu na Karawankentunnel, na severovzhodu na Ogrsko salamo, na vzhodu in jugu na Jugovzhodno Slovenijo, na jugozahodu pa ima izhod na desni breg reke Dragonje. Dejansko je tako majhna, da ne obstaja na zemljevidih. Turisti, ki se v poletni sezoni skozi Slovenijo vozijo naprej proti južnim obmorskim deželam jo imenujejo Petrol, v nekaterih tujih jezikih pa tudi O-em-fau (OMV).

-24000: Adamsovi frizerji in tajnice naselijo zemljo
-23999: Vsi umrejo
-23998: Prva riba dobi noge in se poimenuje Piran
-23997: Riba shodi in spregovori
-23990: Zrastejo ji dlake
-23900: Potomci prve ribe v čast prvi ribi z nogami poimenujejo vodo od kjer je prišla Piranski zaliv
-23000: Civilizacija cveti, poimenujejo se Butalci
-20000: Butalski popotnik, hodi par dni proti vzhodu in naleti na Ogrsko salamo. Kar je preveč je preveč, zato tam poščije drevo in zakoliči vzhodno mejo Butal. Ker severne in južne meje ne zaznamuje imamo z njima še zdaj probleme.
-15000: Pojavijo se še druge civilizacije a se butalcev raje izogibajo
-10000: Vrhunec človeštva, cel planet živi v blaginji
-9999: Butalec Janez izumi Avomsko bombo
-9990: Butalci zravnajo zemljo
-5000: V Mezopotaniji se spet pojavi življenje
-4000: Popotnik Slavc pride do bivših Butal in ustanovi močvirno naselje Bolana. Pljune na vse štiri strani neba in svoj rajon imenuje Slavenija
-3000: Iz izkopanin starih butalcev se Slavenci učijo modrosti in ponovno definirajo stare Butale.
-2900: Odkrijejo žganjekuho
-2899: Izpopolnijo žganjekuho
-2800 - 1500: Nihče se nič ne spomni
15xx: Primož ugotovi da je trava boljša kot žganje. V glavi mu ful začne dogajati, zato se odloči, da bo umetnik
15xy: Primož nehote prvič pravno definira slovence
1600: Primož odkrije crack
1600-1900: Spet tema..crack, trava, absinth, žganje, vino...
1900 - 1950: Svet se tepe, a nihče ne doseže modrosti starih butalcev, zato svet preživi
1950: Američani izumijo električno kitaro, svet je rešen! Zasluge si prisvajajo slovenci
1950 - sedanjost: Žganje in električne kitare
2004 - Slovenija vstopi v Arabsko ligo in napove vojno Andorri.


Gospodarstvo Slovenije je zelo mogočno in se zato ta država sama šteje za velesilo. Po proizvodnji otrok dosega nadpovprečne rezultate, četudi gospodarstvo najbolj sloni na proizvodnji alkohola in cigaret.

Zgodovina gospodarstva:

-Okoli leta 700 je na vrhuncu tekstilna industrija, prva je svetovno znana tovarna Mura, ki zaposluje okoli dva tisoč krepkih karantanskih deklet.
-Od leta 1000 - 1900 praktično ni industrije. Mura propada.
-Med prvo svetovno vojno je na Slovenskem pomembna podružnica vojaške industrije antantnih sil. Proizvaja gumbe za uniforme vojakov. Med 2. svetovno vojno se stvar ponovi.
-Med obema vojnama je industrija v k***u. Seveda so se zavedali, da je na Jugu še slabše. Slovenija je zašla tudi v krizo, ki so jo povzročili prvi tajkuni, ki z močnimi vetrovi porušijo vso slovensko obalo in tajfuni (ki jih očitno ni*), ki si grabejo denar (obrazložitev pojmov;tajkun: izredno močen vrtinčast tropski vihar; *tajfun:ne obstaja(v SSKJ ni zadetka)).
-Po letu 1991 se je osnoval načrt tedanje vlade (Robin Hud in Milan Kučman) za izdelavo bakrenih izdelkov. Vendar so sovražni agenti (najbolje izurjeni agenti K.C.B.(Krademo (mi, Cigani) Baker) iz južnih republik (njihov vodja sloviti Copperfield) uničili proizvodnjo in v trenutku je te surovine zmanjkalo in je ta veja industrije propadla.
-Za naslednja leta ni podatkov. Edini podatek smo dobili od tamkajšnjega domorodca, ko smo ga vprašali o Industriji v Sloveniji:Ja,ja mouja žena je niki težila, de ima strije po joških ( nar. prsi)



* Kranjci (20,06 %)
* Štajerci (30,98 %)
* Prleki (0,1 %)
* Lükarji (17,10 %)
* Laufarji (v smislu etnične skupine) (0,53 %)
* Kurenti (0,32 %)
* Kebabci (0,31 %)
* Dalejnci (0,20 %)
* Pohorci (0,0001 %)

Povprečna naseljenost je 99 prebivalcev na hišno številko, predvsem v modernih naseljih okoli Novega mesta, Murske Sobote in Črnomlja. Približno polovica prebivalstva še živi pri starših, drugi pa so se preselili k ženam ali možem. Najbolj je tudi znana družina Strojan. Njen izvor je neznan. To je izjemno delavna sila.

Uradnijezik: dalenjsko skropucalo.

Upravna razdelitev:

Slovenija je upravno razdeljena na 18.521 občin, med katerimi jih ima 11 status naselja z največjim številom pijancev.

Poleg delitve na pokrajine obstaja 12 statističnih regij:

1. Pomurska regija = Prekmurje Prlekija
2. Podravska regija
3. Koroška regija
4. Savinjska regija
5. Zasavska regija
6. Spodnjeposavska regija
7. Jugovzhodna Slovenija
8. Osrednjeslovenska regija
9. Gorenjska regija
10. Notranjsko - kraška regija
11. Goriška regija
12. Obalno - kraška regija

Prazniki in dela prosti dnevi:

Zakon o praznikih in dela prostih dnevih v Republiki Sloveniji (Ur. l. RS/I, št. 26-1091/1991) določa naslednje praznike in dela proste dneve:

Dela prosti dnevi

* nedelja