Lirični trenutki v mestu / Lyrical Minutes in the City

Poslal-a kaptive, Pet, 14/10/2011 - 17:51

Mesta so zgoščeni prostori, kjer vsak dan veliko število ljudi išče ravnotežje med svojim mirom in tem, da bi nakupili vse, kar rabijo, naredili vse, kar je treba, prišli pravočasno na obljubljene zmenke in seveda tudi doživeli kaj prijetnega. Mesta so ravno zaradi koncentriranega življenja tudi prostori presenečenj.
Petkov transportni vrvež na železniški postaji, sobotni praznik živeža na tržnici in nedeljske kupce preteklosti na bolšjaku so presenetili lirični utrinki; prebivalcem mesta in obiskovalcem smo skušali pričarati tisti piš presenečenja, ki mesta kljub napornemu življenju dela zanimiva.

Generally speaking, cities are jam-packed places with masses of people, who go on living their everyday lives in search of balance between their own peace and quiet, grocery shopping, running their errands, arriving for their appointments on time and experiencing some pleasant moments in the meantime. The crammed urban living arrangement also has a good side to it, since it always leaves some room for surprises in the city.
Various people and places - the Friday hustle and bustle of transportation at the railway station, the Saturday celebration of foods at the marketplace, the Sunday shopping venture on the lookout for the past at the flea market... They were all in for a big surprise, since they were taken away by lyrical moments that sprout out of thin air in front of visitors - thus helping make the city an interesting place to live in, despite the hardships involved in city life.

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