Meritve Jedrskih padavin v Sloveniji med najvišjimi v Evropi

Poslal-a kaptive, Sre, 16/11/2011 - 07:10

Tuesday, November 15, 2011
European Iodine 131 And Cobalt 60 Fallout- A Romanian Reactor CANDU That
As the POTRBLOG team was researching the current widespread and unattributed European Iodine 131 outbreak and its potential creation via the spallation of atmospheric Fukushima Plutonium 239 by Solar Coronal Mass Ejections, we discovered one small tidbit of information that could be the fingerprint of a a fuel-rod meltdown common to a CANDU-6 reactor.

The CANDU link is small and tenuous. But it is worth mentioning given that Cobalt 60 has been detected in the European fallout, and that Cobalt 60 would be produced from the meltdown of a CANDU fuelrod. The only CANDU reactor in Europe is located in Cernavodă Romania, due east of some of the strongest fallout detections in Slovenia.

However, given that the connection to Romania would be so obvious, it is hard to imagine that the IAEA would not quickly identify the source. More information to follow.

Posted by Ms. X at 11:49 PM
Labels: radioactive


kaptive's blog | Za komentiranje se prijavi oz. registriraj
Poslal-a kaptive, Sre, 16/11/2011 - 07:52

Povezava do strani z meritvami (Poišči SI)
Nuclide Sample Type Unit Measurements / 30 days Sample Type (description)
T-GAMMA A5 nSv/h 47148
T-ALFA-ART A11 Bq/m3 3875
T-BETA-ART A11 Bq/m3 3875
CS-137 A11 Bq/m3 1121
CS-134 A11 Bq/m3 1121
I-131 A11 Bq/m3 3877
I-132 A11 Bq/m3 1121
CO-60 A11 Bq/m3 1121

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Poslal-a kaptive, Sre, 16/11/2011 - 21:00

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