!!!koncert!!! MILKILO (fr)

Poslal-a ThDi, Čet, 05/07/2012 - 17:11
29 Okt 2012 - 22:00

koncertna dvorana

Milkilo. It’s a really nice loud & noisy bass/drum duo with post-things influences from Saint-Etienne (France), They already release a split 7” with Maria Magdalena in March 2012 on our label, you can listen to it and check other infos about the band here:

Bio: Noise is announced, for drum/bass duo, surprisingly far, but it would be wrong to limit yourself to this style. Milkilo takes and torture sounds to get the most out, they break rhythms, fill the space as if they were fourteen, they shamelessly grind styles: perhaps there's Dub into their music, perhaps Hardcore, probably some Sludge, and they had to listen to a snippet of punk and electro ... In all cases, Milkilo is a band that will, beyond all this violence and saturated auction, open the ears of more retissants.
Formed since 2010 in Saint-Etienne, they release their first recorded tracks on ANTLUSTRE split with maria magdalena on March 2012!

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Poslal-a ThDi, Tor, 30/10/2012 - 18:54

kocert je bil prestavljen v Menzo pri koritu na Metelkovi, ker je prav ta dan tudi tam igral en podoben bend. v sodelovanju s tamkajšnjo ekipo.