Poslal-a ThDi, Ned, 22/07/2012 - 13:38
12 Sep 2012 - 21:00

koncertna dvorana


Slišala sma se glede death metal koncerta.
Bendi ki bi špilali:
(Scotland) | Earache Records
+ 2 domači predskupini, Mephistophelian in Vasectomy
Datum je v sredo 12.septembra in ga na žalost ne gre spremenit,ker je isti paket dan prej v Bosni, dan pozneje pa na Češkem. Z bendi je v bistvu vse že zmenjeno, rabi se
le še koncertni prostor za izvedbo zadeve.


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Poslal-a ThDi, Sob, 15/09/2012 - 18:34


Glihkar sem dobil sporočilo, da je celotna turneja odpovedana, ker je bende nategnila neka booking agencija oz. tip ki stoji za njo, in se nikomur več ne javlja, tako da očitno, na žalost ne bo nič iz tega:

Hello Everyone, my name is Tomer and I play in the Israeli band Viscera Trail.
As most of you probably already know, we were suppose to play at your shows in the upcoming cerebral bore tour.

This tour cost us a fortune, and we wanted to celebrate our 10 year anniversary at your beautiful countries and have a good time. We did all we could to make that happen.

We got fucked up by that guy Florin Sandor, he disapeared and so the tour was cancelled today. We had to lose all our money, our vacation off work was fucked, and the rest just put us to shame.

We wanted to still come and do the tour ourselves but we couldn't get a hold of you guys in time to set this up again. So unfortunately this idea died.

I wanted to ask you guys to help us make this happen, we still wanna do this tour and make it a success. with a tour manager that we can count on, unfortunately we had no idea who the tour manager is, and we were informed that he is a scam, then we informed cerebral bore, by the time they got the news this was too late. but we were worried the whole time not having any pick up time and place.

so anyway guys, I wanna ask you to understand us and our will to do this. We woudl appreciate your support in bringing us there, with a serious tour manager and have this sick tour happen - we will be the first Israeli Metal band to play those countries and we wanna make History.
SO if you're all in please let's make this - we will be available for tour again in march 21'st and we would love to do even more countries such as Serbia, Macedonia and Croatia or even more in eastern europe.

I hope you understand our condition, we sure do understand your big effort, time and money invested, and we thank you for that, alot!!! We're all fucked by one heartless mother fucker.

Please contact me and let me know what options we have.
Thanks for your time and may we never have to deal with shit like that again.

Tomer / Viscera Trail.

Mi je kar žal da moramo odpovedat, ampak jebat ga.. vsekakor hvala za zainteresiranost za izvedbo dogodka iz vaše strani, če bo še kdaj kaj takega na kak
bolj primeren datum vas pa kontaktiram, če boste zainteresirani, pa takrat zadevo tudi izpeljemo..
