Delo v času šolskih počitnic

Poslal-a pirman, Pon, 14/08/2006 - 00:19

Za čas šolskih počitnic se zaposlijo v delovni organizaciji za določen čas delavci - učenci v serijski proizvodnji. Ker so to mladoletne osebe, jih je potrebno razporediti na dela, kjer ni nevarnosti, da bi prišlo do poškodb.

Za delavce - učence, ki opravljajo delo na normo, kontrola evidentira ure in količino komadov na nalog in so le-ti plačani po doseženih rezultatih. Čas priučevanja se upošteva tako kot za redno zaposlene delavce.

Vir: Obvestilo Organizacijske službe PO št. 119 (18. 6. 1982)

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Poslal-a Adi, Pet, 05/02/2010 - 07:18

Advertising has developed into internet marketing a billion-dollar business on which many depend. In 2006 391 billion US dollars were spent worldwide for advertising. In Germany, for example, the advertising industry contributes internet phone 1.5% of the gross national income; the figures for other developed countries are similar.[citation needed] Thus, advertising and growth are directly and accept credit card causally linked. As far as a growth based economy can be blamed for the harmful human lifestyle (affluent society) advertising has to be considered in this aspect concerning its negative impact, because its main purpose is to raise consumption. “The industry internet service providers is accused of being one of the engines powering a convoluted economic mass production system which promotes consumption.