Aktivnost ROGa

Poslal-a kooperativa.org, Tor, 17/10/2006 - 23:03

Prejeto in dano naprej na skupščinsko obravnavo.

Prosim vas, da se malo bolj intenzivno zavzamete za svojo skupino tu v ROGu.

Danes odhajam v London na konferenco srečanj britanskih in slovenskih nevladnih organizacij v času od 17. do 20..10.2006

Dosegljiv sem v hotelu :

Hotel Tavistock
Tavistock Square
London, WC149EU
tel: +44 (0) 20 76 36 83 83

in konferenca bo v prostorih britanske krovne organizacije nevladnih organizacij - NCVO
Regent's Whare
8 all saints street
London N19RL
tel.: +44(0) 20 77 13 61 61

Na tej konferenci bom skušal izbrskati kaj cvenka za mobilno hišico, ki naj bi stala na dvorišču za vselitev družine Dokl, žrtve nasilja v družini. V osebni režiji bom podaljšal bivanje do nedelje 22/10/2006 da bi pogledal, če še kaj najdem za reševanje vaše problematike.

Svetoval bi vam, da NUJNO pripravite v angleščini kaj lepega počenjate v ROG-u, da bom to posredoval naprej. Morda pa tudi vi meni svetujete, koga naj obiščem (Združenje Kooperativ Britanije - morda).

Cilj je, da si pomagamo med seboj.

Ivo Plečko
Ul. Poh. Bata. 211
1000 Ljubljana


P.s. 24.11.2006 se bom oglasil na vaši skupščini

V Lj.: 17.10.2006 ob 11h

Za komentiranje se prijavi oz. registriraj | prejšnja tematika | naslednja tematika Debate
Poslal-a kooperativa.org, Tor, 17/10/2006 - 23:06

***Collective Statement About Opening Rog to the Public***

Saturday 25th of March 2006 marked the start of the initiative to open the abandoned bicycle factory Rog for temporary use, with the intent to carry out non-profit, non-established activities on its premises.
It is not a classic occupation of space, but a temporary alteration of its purposes. The 7000 square meter large factory – owned by the City of Ljubljana (hereafter MOL) – has already been left to decay for 15 years. As long as MOL doesn't develop and begin implementing a clear strategy to solve the problem of these empty premises, we self-initiatively wish to open it to all individuals and groups engaged in the non-profit sector, for the realization of independent production of cultural and social content....

More on ( http://tovarna.org/node/111 )

In the premises of the abandoned factory Rog, March 29th 2006, at 9 p.m.

Our postal address, where you can send us postcards, letters, parcels or visit us, is:
Tovarna Rog
Trubarjeva 72
1000 Ljubljana

You can also contact us by our Rog info phone line: +386 41 835 099.
You can send us your opinions, views, questions, comments, ideas, statements of individual or group support, etc. with


See our site : www.tovarna.org