ALTER ŠALTER - 3.srečanje, sobota, 3.2. ob 21h v SC ROG

Poslal-a weischna, Sre, 31/01/2007 - 22:16
3 Feb 2007 - 21:00 || 4 Feb 2007 - 05:00


ALTER SALTER vabi na 3. srecanje, ki se bo zgodilo 3.2.2007 v Socialnem Centru ROG na Trubarjevi v Ljubljani (takoj za vhodom, stavba na desni, znana tudi kot Hiša Cvetja).

Ob 21h bomo odprli QUEER DEBATO: Uvod v Queer teorijo, v katero se lahko aktivno vkljucite. V ta namen bomo brali Sullivan, Nikki (2003): »Queer: A Question of Being or doing?«. v:Sullivan, Nikki: A CriticalIntroduction to Queer Theory. New York, New York University Press, tekst vas čaka v Socialnem Centru Rog, kjer jih lahko dvignete vsak dan po 13h uri, in pa Weinberg, Jonathan: »Things are Queer«, ki ga najdete na spletni strani

Na Queer debati, ki se bo nanasala na omenjena teksta, bomo spregovorili kaj pomeni queer, torej skušali razbrati konceptualizacijo queera. To samo dejanje pa je, kot pravijo nekateri, ze samo po sebi zelo ne-queer, zaradi cesar je veliko bolj smiselno preuciti stevilne, mnogokrat kontradiktorne primere in nacine, kjer sodobne teoreticarke, aktivisti uporabljajo ta termin. A ce se posluzimo nekaterih izhodisc queera lahko recemo, da se queer teorija bori proti heteronormativnim, patriarhalnim diskurzom zahodne druzbe ter razvija nove nacine politicnega delovanja in misljenja. Spet drugi pravijo, da je queer bolj kot identiteta, pozicioniranje, ki se ne omejuje zgolj na lezbijke in geje, temvec jo lahko prevzamejo vsi, ki se zaradi svojih spolnih praks pocutijo marginalizirani. Queer teorija se usmerja k problematiziranju binarnih pozicij kot so moški/ženska, gej/lezbijka, hetroseksualnost/homoseksualnost ipd. in isce nacine njihovega preseganja.

Ob 23h se pricne QUEER PARTY, z DJ WILMO (elektro ritmi podkrepljeni z vizualijami).

VSTOPNINE NI! Zazeljeni so prostovoljni prispevki, ki bodo pomagali kriti stroske za elektriko (se vedno delujemo na agregat, ki pokuri veliko goriva).




ALTER SALTER is inviting you to 3rd gathering, which is going to take place on 3.2.2007 in Socialni Center ROG on Trubarjeva Street in Ljubljana(directly after the entrance, the building on the right, also known as Hiša Cvetja).

At 21h we are beginning with QUEER DISCUSSION: The Introduction into Queer Theory in which you are kindly invited to participate. We are going to read Sullivan, Nikki (2003): »Queer: A Question of Being or doing?«. v:Sullivan, Nikki: A CriticalIntroduction to Queer Theory. New York, New York University Press, the text is waiting for you in Socialni Center ROG, every day after 13h, and Weinberg, Jonathan: »Things are Queer«, which could be found on the web page

The discussion is going to evolve around above mentioned texts. We are going to talk about what does queer mean and try to look into the conceptualization of queer. But as some say, the sole conceptualization of queer is very un-queer, so perhaps it is more meaningful to look into numerous, usually contradictory examples of the ways in which this term has been used by the contemporary theorist and activists. If we take into consideration some of the dispositions of queer, we can claim that queer theory is fighting against heteronormative, patriarchal discourse of western society and developing new ways of political activism and thinking. Again others claim that queer is more than identity, the positionality, not restricted to gays and lesbians, but can be taken up by anyone who feels marginalized as a result of their sexual practices. Queer theory is directed towards questioning of binary positions as man/woman, gay/lesbian, heterosexuality/homosexuality etc. and is searching for ways of overcoming them.

At 23h beginning of QUEER PARTY with DJ WILMA (electro beats with visualizations).

NO ENTRANCE FEE! Donations are very welcome; since we need to cover the costs for electricity (electricity still comes from aggregat, which needs a lot of fuel!)




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