Poslal-a weischna, Sob, 21/04/2007 - 12:14
21 Apr 2007 - 21:00 || 22 Apr 2007 - 05:00

Socialni Center ROG

(english text follows!)
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ki se bo zgodilo 21.4.2007 ob 21h v Socialnem centru ROG.

Tokrat Vam ponujamo odprto debato na temo BISEKSUALNOST. V ta namen bomo brali:

Garber, Marjorie (2000):"Introduction: Vice Versa". V: Garber,M.: Bisexuality and the eroticism of everyday life. Routledge: New York, tekst že lahko dvignete v Socialnem centru ROG, in Michael William (1993): »Bisexuality«. V: Anarchy: a journal of desire armed. #36, Spring, tekst pa lahko najdete na naslovu:
Biseksualnost ne spada niti v okvir homoseksualnosti, niti heteroseksualnosti, temveč lebdi nekje vmes. Nekateri se sprašujejo ali biseksualnost sploh obstaja, ali ni zgolj krinka za homoseksualnost; spet drugi izpostavljajo, da smo po naravi biseksualni vsi. Mi pa se bomo vprašali čemu sploh postavljati okvire, ki s svojo ozkostjo zaobidejo pomemben del posameznika. Pri tem bomo izpostavili kritiko dualizma, ki se ukvarja z razlikami med moškostjo/ženskostjo, hetero/homo, monogamnostjo/nemonogamnostjo… Debata bo odprte in aktivne narave, zato ste vabljeni vsi, da se vanjo vključite!

Po debati vabljeni k poplesavanju, ki se bo tokrat zgodilo na drugačen način, saj boste lahko vsi prisotni postali akterji tokratnega ALTER ŠALTRA. Torej, s seboj prinesite zaprašene CD plošče in pomagajte k soustvarjanju!




Welcome to a QUEER DEBATE and PARTY

on 21st of April 2007 at 21:00 in Social Center ROG

For this occasion we offer you an open debate on BISEXUALITY. We are going to read: Garber, Marjorie (2000):"Introduction: Vice Versa". V: Garber,M.: Bisexuality and the eroticism of everyday life. Routledge: New York, you can get the text in Social Center ROG, and Michael William (1993): »Bisexuality«. V: Anarchy: a journal of desire armed. #36, Spring, you can find this text on the net:
We can not put bisexuality in the frame of homosexuality nor heterosexuality but it floats somewhere inbetween. Some are asking themselves whether bisexuality really exist or it's just another word for hidden homosexuality; on the other side there is a fact that we are all bisexual. We are going to open a question why to put frames, which cut an importaint part of ones personality away. For that reason we would point out the critics of dualism, which deals with differences between mankind/womankind, hetero/homo, monogamity/nonmonogamity…Debate will be open and active for all the participants!

After the debate you are invited to a party. This time it will be a different party because everybody is welcome to become an actor of it. So, bring with your own CD's and help to create a common ALTER SALTER queer party.

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