KULTRUSHOCK, ob 21.oo, 28.04 v ROGU

Poslal-a moonflower, Pet, 27/04/2007 - 23:11

Super ever skupina Kulturshock bo jutri 29. aprila ob 21.00 obiskala Rog. Več o samem bandu boste izvedeli tu: http://www.kulturshock.com/
Kulturshock je v bistvu 'migrantski' band iz Seattla, ki ima trenutno turnejo po Evropi. Njihov zadnji album se imenuje »We came to take your jobs away«. Kritična in humorna besedila ter odlična glasba v stilu: rock gypsy metal wedding-meets-riot music from Bulgaria, the US, Japan, and Bosnia bodo vas zavzeli enkrat in za vedno.

Vendar, njihov obisk ima drug pomemben namen: podpora delovanja na področju migracij v Rogu in samega Roga, kot avtonomnega in skupnega prostora, ki je trnutno pod udarom občine.

Njihov obisk ne bo dolg, ampak oseben in pomemben. Impro program Kulturshocka: Akustična glasba v veliki koncertni dvorani v rogu skupaj z debato o freedom of movement.

Tisti, ki ste bili na njihovem koncertu letos v Channel Zero boste morda dodali več o samem bandu in njihovi glasbi.



Lp, Aigul

Kultur Shock isn't just the name of our band. It's Balkan punk rock gypsy metal wedding-meets-riot music from Bulgaria, the US, Japan, and Bosnia. Six members, and no two of us really speak the same language. You may wonder what brought such an unrelated, mixed-up group of people together, and you can read our biographies to find out. Call our music whatever the fuck you want -- we'll still play every song of every performance as if it were our last.
Right now we are stuck between two worlds. One we left -- that of our homelands -- but we did not become a part of the other world, the hip rockstar world. We had to work for our living like all the other immigrants, and working means sweat, sweat means stinky -- NOT cool. What we've worked so hard to build over these ten years is this monster we play on stage. And we dare you to try and stop us, because we're not going to stop ourselves.
After ten years, we're naming our new album what we should have named our first one. It took us ten years to mature so that we could enjoy who we are and what we are doing, to realize that we don't have anything to lose if we offend, and to learn to just do what we are doing without feeling like we have to apologize for it. Along with us, the new generations of immigrants are overwhelming the the streets of the "developed" world. They are persecuted by the right, which hopes to explain its own poverty; and they are totally neglected by the left, because again: work, sweat -- not cool, doesn't get you laid. This is the class war, the only natural kind of war. Every other kind is an artifice of the system.
Anyway, we have a lot of fun.

moonflower's blog | Za komentiranje se prijavi oz. registriraj
Poslal-a Kolibri, Tor, 01/05/2007 - 16:57

Kulturshock so naredili izjemno vzdušje tudi na koncertu v Novi
Gorici pred dvema dnevoma, 29.4., ko so gostovali na festivalu
Mesto Mladih. Njihov pevec ima posebno, nespregledljivo karizmo,
njihov bosanski kitarist izjemen smisel za "sevdah", posebej
opazen pa je tudi židovski violinist (drugače Američan) in niti
ostali trije ne izpustijo svojega deleža k izjemno privlačnemu
zvenu moštva. Bolgar izjemno stabilen, Japonec poživitev, Američan
dovolj nesramen na bateriji. V življenju nisem slišal zanje,
ampak od tega koncerta dalje imam močan občutek, da nekaj je
na njih.
