kaptive's blog

Komad dneva: Laibach - Crtomir


I've been a fan of Laibach for 12 years & I believe there are very few things in music that could be compared to Laibach's earlier albums. The intensity and the darkness of their music is unmatchable. I'm sure there are ignorant people that today, 25 years after Laibach's creation, still think of Laibach as an act of eccentric neo-nazism, without having any clue of what the true essence of Laibach & NSK has always been. One of the most accurate articles I've read that tries to analyze the Laibach phenomenon, is the work of Peter Clarke. ''MORE TOTAL THAN TOTALITARIANISM - THE STRATEGY OF NEUE SLOWENISCHE KUNST'' was submitted to the Faculty of History of Art and Design and Complementary studies in Candidacy for the Degree of: B.A. Fine Art (Painting) and can be found here:

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[RogList] [tovarna.org] PROŠNJA


na Vas se obračam z prošnjo za možno oddajo koles.
Smo velika 8- članska družina z eno plačo in si ne moremo
privoščiti novih koles. Rabili bi kolesa 2 kom za dekleta in 2 kom za
fante. Zanima me, če imate kje v skladišču višek ali kaj podobnega.
Vnaprej hvala.

Prosim za odgovor v vsakem primeru.

Lep pozdrav

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Stop KONY 2012, LulzSec FBI, Fukushima Anniversary - New World Next Week


Welcome to http://NewWorldNextWeek.com - the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

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Komad dneva: KONY 2012 (RHYNO tl;dw Dubstep Remix)

Originally uploaded by RhynoDubstep on Mar 7, 2012
Doing my part to help make Kony famous.

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How to Make an Audition-Quality Home Recording Studio like you Robbed an Airport Baggage Claim

For best quality, visit Newgrounds — http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/590285

Provide better sound quality in your recordings by treating your space with common household items, and stop sounding shitty :)

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Newly Discovered 150 Foot Wide "Asteroid 2012 DA14" Headed Straight For Earth


March 05, 2012 NBC News

ORiginally uploaded by MOXNEWSd0tCOM on Mar 6, 2012

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Government Is Not Civilization, It Is Slavery

One of the most pervasive misconceptions in our culture is the idea that “government” has anything to do with the structure or organization that we see in our society. This is one of the primary reasons why people have such a difficult time considering the very real possibility of a world without the organization known as “government.” When someone suggests that we simply do away with this unjust and unnecessary organization, they are typically met with some very negative knee-jerk reactions from whoever they may be talking to. This kind of conversation typically ends very quickly because both sides have completely different ideas of what the word “government” actually means, making it very difficult to find common ground.

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Banker left speechless by Irish journalist


Irish journalist Vincent Browne confronts the ECB's (European Central Bank) Klaus Masuch demanding to know where the money is going.

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Talk: Zijah Sokolović - Prva dramska radnja: subjektivno -- objektivno (TEDxMaribor)


Zijah Sokolovič. Igralec, režiser in pisec. V rodnem Sarajevu je diplomiral na Akademiji za scenske umetnosti, igralsko kariero začel v Malem pozorištu, kasneje pa je igral in režiral v številnih gledališčih bivše Jugoslavije. Igral je tudi v slovenskih filmih Barabe (2001), Outsider (1997) in Hudodelci (1987). Najbolj znan je po svojih monodramih, med katerimi sta najbolj znani »Glumac ... je glumac ... je glumac« (1978) in »Cabares Cabarei« (1993). Od leta 1992 živi na Dunaju in poučuje igro kot gostujoči docent na zasebnem vseučilišču Bruckner Konservatorium, hkrati pa je tudi direktor otroškega gledališča Theaterland v Salzburgu. Svojo kultno monodramo »Glumac...je glumac...je glumac« je krstno uprizoril leta 1978 v domačem Sarajevu, do sredine leta 2008 pa si jo je ogledalo več kot 500.000 gledalcev v 20 državah sveta. Odigralo jo je 17 igralcev, prevedena je bila v 5 jezikov in premierno odigrana na Dunaju, v Parizu, Varšavi, Londonu, Berlinu, New Yorku, Sydneyu in Trstu. Sokolović je tudi avtor več televizijskih otroških oddaj, za svoje delo pa je prejel številna priznanja.

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