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The Reality Asserts Itself (The Real News)

Vir: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLG9Nh9qMTUKBeGsdYCou_iYlfxd_n5XpT

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rog leb

Ali je roglab del roga ali se samo dela da je rog?

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5 VseLjudska Vstaja ( v vlv )

V playlist spodaj je zbirka videov na temo V vlv.


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what's going on in Cyprus and Europe as a whole

what's going on in Cyprus and Europe as a whole....kind of a pointless question without the Big Picture.

You have many factions woven into several layers within the game. There are the countries around the world, there are the major financial infrastructures, there are the superrich entities, and there are the banking entities which stitch the layers together…which makes sense.

The best way to think of them and how they interact is by way of a Venn Diagram (below), then this will all make much more sense.

Take a simple Venn Diagram with 3 overlapping circles (A + B +C). Note that there are a total of 8 sectors including space outside the circles.

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On Fukushima Beach 2 - Trailer


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Source video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hgb3CLX_xkw

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True Meditation

In deference to a true master, Adyashanti. True meditation asks nothing of you... no effort, no strain, all gain.


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Komad Dneva: LittleBig - Everyday I'm Drinking (* Pozdravi iz Rusije)

Glej samo, če že res moraš...

source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrU1hZxSEXQ

Originally published on Apr 1, 2013

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