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Nedelja April 12, 2009
Začetek: 21:00
Konec: 04:00

Socialni Center Rog, skozi glavna vrata na desno

Ja sam Dalibor Osmanovic iz Niša. U Ljubljani sam več godinu dana i radim tesarstvo i krovstvo. Prije nekoliko meseca sam upoznao prijatelje iz IWW, to je pokret nevidljivih radnika sveta, koji saradjuju sa Socialnim centrom Rog.

IWW se bave sa pitanjima prava radnika migranata. Prejšnju sedmicu imali smo turnir u malom nogometu, a u subotu 11.4.2009 u 20:00 želim da vas u ime IWW pozovem na zurku sa romskom muzikom iz različitih krajeva u prostorima Socijalnog centara Rog. Isto tako ce biti karaoke.


Vidimo se u subotu!

IWW - Dalibor

Začetek: 21:00


Since the year 2007, there has been an intense cooperation between musicians from New York and Vienna who play klezmer and avantgarde music.

Benjy Fox Rosen


Sxip Shirey

from Brooklyn, New York, will come to Europe this April in order to tour with their friends from Vienna. On the 12th of April, they will also perform in Ljubljana, Rog factory's concert hall. There will be two shows, one playing rather traditional, very danceable jiddish songs, the other one very interesting sounds played on a broad variety of weird instruments, using influences of klezmer, hiphop and avantgarde.