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Januar 02, 2013 - Januar 22, 2013
01 / 2
Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana




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Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana



drugič v Rogu!
ŠtefanMiljevićkitara, glas
bojo predstavili program, ki so ga od zadnjič razširili.

Na sporedu je praizvedba skladbe Nagasaki vibrations, zložene še v prejšnjem tisočletju, pred približno 20 leti. Komad opozarja na nevarnost jedrske katastrofe.

01 / 10
01 / 11
Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana


Aeon Arcanum is a Macedonian metal act that tends to incorporate every piece of their songs into a progressively developed music flow. The unified association of various types of instruments is what makes their music complex, but yet composed and arranged in such a way that brings psychedelic and melancholic moments in one context. The band was formed in the year 2003 by Aleksandar Ivanov and firstly known by the name Arcanum. After many band members settings, Aeon Arcanum grew in variety in the musical sense as the band filtered its music taste. There were two demos of the band that were recorded before the official release of their first album named Monuments in November 2011. The band tirelessly continues to work on their new material followed by the highly acclaimed debut, Monuments, as writen by many reviewers and web sites.


MARAS exists since 2003 and is the first pagan black metal band from Macedonia. In the beginning, they started as a one-man project, but generally, the biggest and the most important part of their development belongs to the longtime musical collaboration between Andrej Karadzoski and Risto Alchinov. The sound of their earliest releases oscillates mostly around the raw black metal in one hand, and in the other hand there’s the experiment with ambient and electronic sounds. After the releasing of the debut-album “Raskol” (where a more intensive influence from the Macedonian traditional music can be felt) and the latest single “Souldryers, eyesuckers”, the quality of their sound starts to improve and expand in a quite different direction which gives the experiment a fundamental role in the creation process. Furthermore, the band devoted the last two years in quest for the desirable sound and the overall picture of the brand new, reanimated and fully transformed ‘Maras spirit’, which, after a long wait, came to be an unexpected answer from the universe. What they learned is written in the new material waiting to be unveiled, but firstly announced with ‘the mother of all songs’ - “Mienje na svetcite” (Rinsing the Saints).
The current Maras line-up: Andrej Karadzoski (vocals, guitars), Vladimir Dimitrovski (guitars), Goran Ilievski (bass) and Risto Alchinov (drums).

01 / 12
01 / 13
01 / 14
Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana

The Rodeo Idiot Engine

We’re not all born under same stars. While some grow up in utter and shitty boredom in a peaceful suburbean house, others come into being in a world where one diverts himself by releasing bulls in the streets and where the quick words for diplomacy are “ETA”. And this inevitably affects psychological development.
The Basque of THE RODEO IDIOT ENGINE are the most obvious living proof or so to speak of this and after a first EP in 2010 (” The First Fall”) and a first LP in 2011 ("Fools Will Crush The Crown") which had already triggered 4 European touring escapades, a show at the Hellfest and at the Fluff Fest and a wheelbarrow of first parts (Refused, Suicidal Tendencies, Birds In Row, Nadja, Kruger, Celeste…), the quintet have climbed few stages in musical extremism and are ready to sink in this way.

01 / 15
Začetek: 22:00
Konec: 23:59

koncertna dvorana

N O O D W E E R so hardcore punk band iz nizozemske z metalskimi rifi,hitrimi bobni,melodičnimi in kričečimi vokali! njihovi komadi govorijo o živalskih pravicah,kulturi sqvotanja,desničarskem nasilju,političnem izkoriščanju,izkoriščanjem medijev in človeškem pohlepu.
prejšnje leto so koncertirali po Belgiji,franciji,španiji in nemčiji, letos pa prihajajo v ljubljano kjer jih bodo podpirali vseslovenski
Ž I Ž K A _ H L A Č E ki igrajo revolucionarni post jugo punk-grind! več kmalu



01 / 16
Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana


Uroš Srpčič bobni
Uroš Sever trobenta
Cene Resnik saksofon
Thierno Diallo bas kitara


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