Thursday, February 14h at 8:30pm at Social Center Rog (Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana)
The Battle Of Algiers follows the narrative of the insurgency to liberate Algeria from French colonial rule. Seen from the French and Algerian perspective and using real footage of the struggle, the film explores the complexities of this uprising and the bloody repression that followed. So who needs valentines when you can have an insurgency? Join us at the Social Center Rog for the first Tutti Frutti of 2013.
Dogodek se bo odvijal 22. februarja 2013 od 21h dalje v Socialnemu centru Rog, Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana (Takoj po vstopu v Rog zavijte desno)
Benefit žur za plačanje kazni zaradi alter-demonstracije, organizirane s strani Fronte prekercev pred več kot dvema letoma (natančneje 19.05.2010), ker naj bi ovirali promet na eni izmed ulic, kjer je sicer bila prijavljena naša demonstracija "NE MALO DELO, NE ŠTUDENTSKO DELO - MANJ DELA". Namen benefit žura je seveda zbrati čimveč prispevkov za čimprejšnjo plačanje kazni, ki nam diha za vrat že dalj časa.
Dogodek se bo odvijal 22. februarja 2013 od 21h dalje v Socialnemu centru Rog, Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana (Takoj po vstopu v Rog zavijte desno)
Benefit žur za plačanje kazni zaradi alter-demonstracije, organizirane s strani Fronte prekercev pred več kot dvema letoma (natančneje 19.05.2010), ker naj bi ovirali promet na eni izmed ulic, kjer je sicer bila prijavljena naša demonstracija "NE MALO DELO, NE ŠTUDENTSKO DELO - MANJ DELA". Namen benefit žura je seveda zbrati čimveč prispevkov za čimprejšnjo plačanje kazni, ki nam diha za vrat že dalj časa.
Pripravila bosta instrumentalno intervencijo z osnovnimi groovi nekaterih avtorskih originalnih kompozicij. VABLJENI INSTRUMENTALISTI SOLISTI, DA SE V DRUGEM DELU (drugem, tretjem ali četrtem komadu) PRIDRUŽITE OTVORITVI.
Thursday, February 28h at 8:30pm at Social Center Rog (Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana)
Land and Freedom, a Ken Loach film, follows a young revolutionary from Liverpool into the civil war in Spain. As the resistance against fascism breaks down into sectarian splits, betrails and infighting become the norm. This is a historical drama that examins the complexities of this resistance to the rise of fasicm in Europe in the 1930s.
Throw Me Off The Bridge
Quentin Sauvé - vocals, guitar, glockenspiel, kick drums, auxiliary percussion
By Matthias Throatruiner Records :
"Fortunately, an indie-folk player’s valor does not depend upon age nor facial hair density. THROW ME OFF THE BRIDGE is the acoustic side of Quentin Sauvé, a young hyperactive French from Laval famous for mistreating his guitar and vocal cords within acts like As We Draw, Hourvari, The Brutal Deceiver, Calvaiire and other decibel mountains. You won’t find any of that in "Everlasting Folks", besides this vital need to spill his guts out in all sincerity, without artifice or saturation, but with a wide open heart. Recorded by his brother Amaury, these seven tracks make for one of those “Sunday in the fall” records, and other dismal and depressing days when rain taps at your window, your flesh shivering in the hollow warmth of the wood fire."
No King No Crown
Sometimes it takes not more than a voice, a guitar and a violin to create one special and quiet world of fanciful sounds that are... more. (acoustic Dresden)
White Boy Problems
Hey there. I wrote some sad punk songs lately and also I like to travel and meet new friends. So I thought I‘d combine those things and suddenly there was White Boy Problems.
"Pisana blues,rock, grunge, reaggae bratovščina iz Loga, Ljubljane in Logatca, zaenkrat še neimenovana občasna zasedba. Nazadnje smo bili objavljeni na nekem koncertu kot Simon & Prijatelji, kar se nam je zdelo kar vredu :) Zasedbo trenutno sestavljamo Simon Urbas (kitara,vokal), Rok Škrlj (bas kitara) in Julijan Erič (kitara, vokal), Kristjan - Kiki (bobni) občasno pa se nam pridruži tudi Julijanov brat, Miha Erič, ki skrbi za prepih na orglicah.
Julijan in Miha, bolj poznana kot ˝Brata Erič˝ kar pogosto nastopata po Sloveniji, tako da ste ju mogoče že imeli priložnost spoznati v kakšnem bendu. Za info si lahko ogledate povezavo spodaj, z bendom The Đipsiz:
in pa še nekaj z mojega in Rokovega zelnika
Upam da se vidimo v čim večjem številu!
Lep pozdrav,