"Nič manj značilna ni enakost pravic v staroslovanskih družbah. Polno pooblastilo je pripadalo celotni skupnosti, in zatorej so se morali sklepi sprejemati soglasno. Prvotno je beseda mir pomenila občinsko skupščino in hkrati soglasnost njenih sklepov[...] Izraz mir odseva obdobje v katerem je imel vsak član skupnosti -- ženske ravno tako kot moški -- enake pravice."
-- M. Eliade
Prvi thrash metal in grind core koncert v migrantskem centru Second Home. Ker - zakaj pa ne?
Tokrat se bodo obiskovalcem in uporabnikom Second Homa predstavili Black Reaper in Extreme Smoke 57 iz Nove Gorice
They are a young thrash metal band from slovenia, influenced by bands such as kreator, exodus slayer ... In december 2015 they released their first single.
Formed in the beginning of the 1990 as the first band to play this genre in Slovenia. Their music was very much influenced by early Napalm Death, Sore Throat, Fear of God, Agathocles and Patareni.
Throughout the years they have had numerous releases on various formats. The 7 inch EP "Who Sold the Scene?!?", released in 1996, was dubbed the "most striking and immortal grind record ever". A must for every noisy sounds listener's record collection.
Disbanded in 1993, decided to reunite in 2008 because they felt lot more could be made in this kind of music. The fanbase was willing to accept new incarnation of the band even if it didn't sound like it used to be back in the early days. Definetly still grindy and it wouldn't be creative to do the same things all over and over again.
Since then the band has performed on some well - known European festivals such as MetalDays (Slovenia), Obscene Extreme (Czech republic), Exit (Serbia), Punk Rock holidays (Slovenia), Monte Paradiso (Croatia) as well we did some sucessfull mini tours around Europe.
10 inch LP "Corruption Deteriorates" well accepted by the audience was released earlier in 2016 and upcoming 7 inch split EP with Agathocles is scheduled for February 2017.
DJs Ali and Borsan take us on a trip through the intense and sometimes psychedelic sounds that make Arab and Kurdish weddings, street parties and protests such an amazing experience. Known as “common people” music, shaabi (or mahraganat, as it’s sometimes referred to in it’s electronic auto-tuned form) has recently gained global attention through a number of documentaries and articles, as well as popular artists such as Sadat, while dabke can now be heard on dance floors all over the world thanks to Omar Souleyman. Despite this western popularity, the genres remain one of the loudest voices of working class people and light up parties from Marocco to Iran.
Na osrednji dan praznovanja rogovske 11. obletnice vas vabimo, da se med obiskovanjem najrazličnejših dogodkov po tovarni ustavite na čaj, kavo in palačinke v Second Home.
Donacije, ki jih boste pustili za priboljške, bodo namenjene kritju visokih sodnih stroškov, ki so doleteli našo skupnost v tožbi z mestno občino.
Ob 11 Obletnice Osvoboditve je potrebno nadgraditi Imaginarno Zlato Raketo. Iščemo sodelavce. Na strehi bomo od 17h naprej. Se vidimo. RB.
We would like to upgrade the Imaginary Golden Rocket at the 11th anniversary of liberation. We are looking 4 cooperators. We will be on the roof from 17h onwards. See you BD.
Je voudrais mettre à niveau le Golden Rocket imaginaire. J'ai bes oin de coopérateurs. Je serai sur le toit dès 17h. Rendez-vous OR.
Marko Petrušić pianino Dennis Lampret kitara Thierno Diallo kontrabas
Igrali bodo nekaj avtorskih skladb in potem ponudili možnost za sodelovnje v jam sessionu.
Marko Petrušić pianino Dennis Lampret kitara Thierno Diallo kontrabas
Igrali bodo nekaj avtorskih skladb in potem ponudili možnost za sodelovnje v jam sessionu.
Nobeno raziskovanje svetovne glasbene dediščine ne bi bilo popolno brez nepozabnih jugoslovanskih melodij. In le kdo jih bolje pozna kot brezčasna trešerica Cica Mica, ki nas bo v soboto popeljala na potovanje od šlaga 60ih do synthuoznih 80ih.
Ob začetku pomladi se bo ponovno začel nekaterim bolj in nekaterim manj znan tedenski dogodek Cafe International. Dobrodošli vsi, ki radi spoznavate nove ljudi in različne kulture, se učite novih jezikov ali igrate družabne igre ob kavi in čaju. Zraven seveda dobite še kakšen piškotek.
Nova sezona druženja se začne že to sredo 5.4.2017. Se vidimo med 16.00 in 18.00 v Second Homu!
Spring time is perfect for a new beginning of Cafe International. To some more and to some less known weekly event will start this Wednesday. Everybody that enjoys meeting new people and different cultures, likes playing games and learning new languages is invited to drink some tea or coffee with us. We'll make sure you get some biscuits also
Cafe International is returning this Wednesday, 5.4.2017. See you between 16.00 and 18.00 in Second Home!
Cumbia, bachata, reggaeton, salsa, son, merengue, mariachi, revolucionarni kubanski hiti, solzave latino popevke... V vročo noč od Španije do Kolumbije, od Mehike in Karibov do Argentine vas bo popeljal DJ Chipiron. Nabrusite pete, odprite srca in pridete v Second Home. Venga - a bailar y disfrutar noche de alegria, amor, besos y abrazos.