Šola na reki je eksperimentalen in izobraževalen prostor, s katerim bomo segli onkraj šolskih učilnic. Z učenci in pedagogi OŠ Livada bomo splavarili skozi mesto Ljubljana in pristali na Petkovškovem nabrežju. Poleg delavnic stripa in iger bo na dvorišču tovarne Rog javna razprava (v sodelovanju z Radikalnim izobraževanjem) o problemih učnih vsebin, ki ne ustrezajo kulturi učencev, njihovih staršev in skrbnikov, ki živijo na Rakovi Jelši, o poučevanju v jeziku, ki ga ne poznajo, o odnosih, ki jih reproducira šolski sistem, in o tem, kako jih spremeniti.
School on the River is an experimental educational space reaching beyond the classroom. With pupils and teachers from the Livada Elementary School, we will sail on a raft down the Ljubljanica River as far as the Petkovškovo nabrežje bank. Disembarking there, we will transfer to the courtyard of the former Rog factory, where a comic strip workshop and games will be organized, and on another level, a public debate (co-organized by Radical Education) on the problematic aspects of the official school curricula that do not take into consideration the cultural background of the pupils and their parents or care-givers living in the Rakova Jelša district; on education in a language the pupils are not familiar with; on the social relations propagated by the education system; and on possible ways to change all that.
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