fabry - voice
fabio - guitar
dave - guitar
zo - bas
kri - drums
The NOT FOUND project was born in the 2001 from the union of two different bands.
In 2003 the first self titled demo was recorded (containing six punk rock songs) that get the chance to play many gigs in Turin.
In 2004 the firs full length album ,“Beer helps ugly people to have sex”, was recorded by the band herself and contains 10 songs of melodic and powerful hc. In the same year, exactly in December, a promotional ep “Covering alley cats with 69 wigs” was recorded. That cd contains cover of some famous bands (Gloria Gaynor, Misfits and Friend Soundtrack).
After playing many gigs during 2005, in 2006 (with the help of Marco Rossini) the second official full length called “Fable” was recorded for many Italian punk/hc labels (Notmy Rec,Graves Rec, Chumsley Rec, Mania Rec, Full Blast e Vacation House Rec).
“Fable” get many positives reviews on Italian webzines and magazines (Dedication, Punkwave, Sonic and Rock Sound). That was very important for the band. In fact they play over 30 gigs in Italy sharing the stage with No Relax, The Fire, La Crisi and Strength Approach. Also playing in some popular Italian clubs (Traffic, Ju Bamboo, la Talpa e l’Orologio, Pussy rock) and festival (Colonia Sonora).
With Paolo Benitti (video producer) they put out "You're deaf for the state" video clip.
During September 2007 with Daniele Giordana (Hatebreed) at One Voice Studio (Chivasso-IT) they recorded a five song ep called "We're still here".
Since the release of “We are still here”, the guys have played a lot of shows in these countries: Greece, Austria, Germany and France. They also have played in those popular clubs: An Club (Athens GR), Shelter (Wien AUT), Arcadium (Graz AUT) Tom Tom (Gunzburg GER) and these summer festivals, Wheel Bite Fesitval (Feldbach AUT) Guntia Festival (Gunzburg GER) and Wanted Music Festival (Turin IT). During “We are still here Tour” they have played with Vanilla Sky, Rentokill, Jet Market, Action Men, In Sane, Fire in The Attic and Straight Opposition.
“We are still here” get some good reviews on Italian webzines (Staypunk, Ondalternativa, Rocksound n° 116) and European Skartnak(CH), Pitfire(CH), Heartbeatmedia (GER), Save the day(GER),Truesidemusic(GER), World Appriciate Kitsch (GR) and Fastmelodicpunkrock(PL).
During April 2008 they have shooted the music video of “N R A” (again with Paolo Benitti) that we’ll be released soon.
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