Upori proti varčevalnim ukrepom so zajeli celotno Evropo in Sredozemlje. Po arabskih pomladih, zasedbi trgov v Španiji, množičnih protestih proti varčevanju na Portugalskem in v Italiji ter dramatičnem uporu proti evropski krizni diktaturi v Grčiji, so se vstaje razširile po Vzhodni Evropi, zlasti Sloveniji, Bolgariji in na Hrvaškem.
Vstaje po Evropi in Sredozemlju so množičen izraz ogorčenja nad neoliberalnim vladanjem in krizno diktaturo ter izražajo zahtevo po demokratizaciji družbe in nadzoru ljudstva nad skupnim dobrim. Množice na ulicah napadajo korupcijo, privatizacijo in razlastitev. Zahtevajo pa socialne pravice in pravice skupnega dobrega. Te vstaje so tudi jasen izraz krize predstavniške demokracije. Medtem ko vse vstaje označuje značilno geslo Nihče nas ne predstavlja, iščejo ljudje znotraj samega boja družbene in politične prakse, ki bi omogočile ustvarjanje močnih orodij za družbene spremembe.
Samonikla gibanja v Sloveniji zato pozivamo na povezovalno srečanje evropskih in sredozemskih gibanj v Ljubljani in Mariboru med 18. in 20. aprilom. Želimo organizirati tridnevne delavnice in srečanja s poudarkom na oblikovanju skupnih analiz in praks gibanj v zvezi s ključnimi temami kot so proces oblikovanja novih družbenih dogovorov, redefiniranje pravic in pojem skupne blaginje.
18.4., Maribor
Predstavitev in izmenjava informacij o potekajočih in načrtovanih procesih, iniciativah in akcijah (@ Gustaf, Pekarna)
Upiranje neoliberalnemu vladovanju v mestu (@ Gustaf, Pekarna)
Na delavnici se bomo osredinjali na nedavne prakse (kot je na primer mariborska vstaja) ter druge konstituirajoče procese v mestu (četrtne skupnosti, avtonomne prostore, skupnostne projekte itn.), hkrati pa bomo pretresali možnosti za izgradnjo avtonomije v mestu na sploh.
19.4., Ljubljana
Migracije (@ FDV - Fakulteta za družbene vede)
Na delavnici bomo preizpraševali, kako kriza in varčevalni ukrepi vplivajo na migrante ter njihove pravice in ali ti participirajo v procesih neposredne demokracije. Vprašali se bomo tudi, ali so migranti del vstaj, množičnih mobilizacij in procesov samoorganiziranja in kaj se je v vstajah zgodilo s porajajočim se samoorganiziranjem migrantov.
Znanje (@ FDV - Fakulteta za družbene vede)
Tema delavnice bodo boji proti privatizaciji univerze in šolskega sistema ter prakse samoizobraženja. Osrednje vprašanje bo, v kakšnem odnosu je produkcija znanja do družbe na sploh.
Ženske, kriza in (radikalno) socialno delo (@ Socialni center Rog / Tiffany)
Diskutirali bomo o vplivih krize na ženske, spolno specifičnem izkoriščanju žensk ter načinih izgradnje radikalne emancipacije od spodaj. Delavnica bo potekala v povezavi z vzpostavitvijo iniciative Vstajniških socialnih delavk, ki so se izoblikovale na podlagi prepoznave ženske perspektive v krizi, vloge socialnega dela pri zagovorništvu vstaje ter nujnosti po odpiranju pozabljenih/spregledanih vsebin znotraj vstaje. Osrednja vprašanja, ki jih bomo odprli na delavnici, so: kako radikalizirati sistem socialnega varstva in kako graditi alternativne prakse skrbi znotraj skupnosti (oziroma zakaj smo prepričane, da so vse ženske na nek način socialne delavke).
20.4., Ljubljana
Perspektive političnih procesov in bojev v Evropi (@ Socialni center Rog)
Perspektive političnih procesov in bojev v Evropi bo dvodelna delavnica. V prvem delu se bomo osredotočili na konkretne prakse bojev kot so izgradnja Blockupy Europe, skupni boji v Evropi, Mediteranu, Magrebu in proces 15M. V drugem delu pa se bomo posvetili pomenu evropske družbene stavke ter orodjem za njeno izgradnjo. Spraševali se bomo tudi, kako nas ta proces lahko pripelje od javne blaginje do skupne blaginje.
Konstituirajoči proces (@ Socialni center Rog / park Tabor)
Na zaključni delavnici in skupščini bomo v središče postavili krizo predstavniške politike ter pretresli možnosti za zasejanje konstituirajočega procesa od spodaj. Pri tem bomo odprli diskusijo, kako preseči množične mobilizacije s procesi samoorganiziranja potreb tako na lokalnem kot na transnacionalnem nivoju.
Vse delavnice so delo v teku in odsevajo splošne vsebine predlogov in idej, ki smo jih prejeli. Ta proces je odprt, zato še naprej sprejemamo predloge za intervencije v okviru posamičnih delavnic na soc.center.rog@gmail.com.
Vse delavnice bodo potekale v angleščini. Po potrebi se bomo trudili organizirati simultani prevod.
Spletna stran srečanja: https://hubmeeting20a.wordpress.com/
Spremljaj Hub Meeting 2013 na facebooku in @HubMeeting2013 na Twitterju
Uprisings against austerity and corruption are engulfing Europe and the Mediterranean. After Arab springs, occupations of squares in Spain, mass protests against austerity in Portugal and Italy, and dramatic resistance to the European crisis dictatorship in Greece, uprisings are virulently breaking out across Eastern Europe, most notably in Slovenia, Bulgaria and Croatia.
Uprisings across Europe and the Mediterranean are a massive expression of indignation against neoliberal governance and crisis dictatorship, and for a democratization of societies and for people’s control over commonwealth. What is attacked by the masses on the streets is corruption, privatization and expropriation. What is demanded are social rights and the rights of the commons. These uprisings are also a clear expression of the crisis of representative democracy. While the slogan: No One Represents Us has became a hallmark call, people in the struggle are searching for social and political practices that would allow for constructing potent generators of social power for change. Our central questions now are: what would the constituent process be, and how to produce rights in times of the irreversible crisis of representative politics?
The grass roots movements in Slovenia are therefore calling for the hub meeting of European and Mediterranean movements in Ljubljana and Maribor, between April 18th and 20th. We want to organize a few days of workshops and encounters along this lines of focus: contribute to the production of common analyses and practices of movements around the key topics, such as the constituent process, and the production of rights and of the common welfare.
18th (Maribor)
Introductions and sharing infos about ongoing and future processes, initiatives and actions etc. (@ Gustaf, Pekarna)
Resistance to neoliberal governance of the city (@ Gustaf, pekarna)
The content will focus on recent practices, such as a presentation of the uprising in Maribor, constituent processes in the city (neighborhood assemblies, autonomous spaces, community projects, etc.) and possibilities of constructing autonomy in the city.
19th (Ljubljana)
Migration (@ FDV – Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana)
This workshop is a collaboration between Hub Meeting and Svobodna Univerza (Free University). On this workshop we will look at how the crisis and austerity affect migrants and migrant’s rights, migrants’ participation in direct democracy, etc. Central questions here are: if and how migrants are involved in uprisings, mass mobilizations and self-organization processes? What has happened to the emerging forms of self-organization of migrants in uprisings?
Knowledge (@ FDV – Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana)
This workshop is a collaboration between Hub Meeting and Svobodna Univerza (Free University). An examination of the struggles against the privatization of university and school system and the practices of self-formation. A central question will be: how does knowledge production relate to society in general?
Women, the Crisis and (Radical) Social Care (@ Social Center Rog / Tiffany)
The idea is to discuss the specific ways in which women are affected by the crisis, gender-specific exploitation and how to build radical emancipation from below. Linking this to the formation of the group Insurgent (Women) Social Workers, which arose from recognising women’s perspective within the crisis and also the role of social work in advocating the Insurgence and adding forgotten/overlooked content to it. Focal point of the discussion then being how to radicalise the system of (social) care, how to build alternative practices within the community (or why we believe all women are in a way social workers).
20th (Ljubljana)
The Perspective of Struggles in Europe (@ Social Center Rog)
Perspectives in the political process of struggles is a two part workshop. One part will focus on bringing in concrete practices of struggle such as building Blockupy Europe, common struggles in Europe, the Mediterranean, the Maghreb, and 15M. The other part will be a focused discussion on the meaning of, and practices of engagement in, a European social strike. We will also ask ourselves how this process takes us from welfare to commonfare?
The Constituent Process (@ Social Center Rog / Tabor Park)
The final assembly has a goal of putting emphasis on the crisis of representative politics and the possibilities for implanting the constituent process from below. Within this we will discuss how we get from mass mobilization to self-organization of needs, on local and transnational levels.
All workshops are “works in progress” and reflect the general content of proposals and ideas we received. Keep sending ideas to soc.center.rog@gmail.com and consider the workshops as open discussions also on related themes.
All workshops will be held in English. If necessary, we will try to organize simultaneous translation.
Meeting's website: https://hubmeeting20a.wordpress.com/
Follow Hub Meeting 2013 on facebook and @HubMeeting2013 on Twitter
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