SPUNK ON TOAST(Ljubljana) je bend, ki nadaljuje tradicijo hitre, melodične in angažirane hc-punk glasbe. Po 10 letih menjav glasbenikov se je leta 2012 s prihodom nove pevke končno konsilidiral v kompaktni kolektiv, ki nadaljuje s kreacijo udarnih kitarskih riffov, donečih bas linij in (pre)hitrih bobnarskih ritmov. Temu dodajo še žametni ženski vokal in prodorna besedila, ki v satirični maniri opozarjajo na notrajnje kotradikcije neoliberalnega kapitalističnega družbenega sistema in nedemokratičnost trenutne družbene ureditve. Zaenkrat so odigrali že nekaj koncertov po Sloveniji in tujini, jeseni pa načrtujejo snemanje prvega albuma.
UNBLIND(Krško) is a group of 5 friends that use their music to let go of their emotions. They play some kind of melodic hardcore, but they think outside the box. If you listen, they always have something to say. Human rights, animal cruelty, world pollution, etc., these are the problems that occur globally and are known to everyone, yet many still choose to ignore them. People are deceived by the media and their minds are filled with lies and fake hope (that everything is OK when it is not). You should not judge a person by the way he was born (skin color, sex, social rank, ...), we are all human beings, equal to each other, no matter what is your language, culture or religion. Every human being on this Earth has it's own rights and so should the animals to which we are destroying their natural habitats, and killing them for no reasons. The industry is developing so fast that it's literally destroying us. But everything revolves around money, power and control, and nobody seems to care or to think what will happen in the future, they just live day to day and think only of themselves. Unblind music is D.I.Y. and it's not about fame or the competition, it's about opening people's eyes and to motivate them to live a life in peace, love and friendship, a life without wars, hate and violence. We are grateful and always will be to our families and friends, who support and helps us in everyday life. We support a lot of organisations, bands... who care for our planet Earth, the creatures that live on it, and especially for things that happening around us... It is true that we don't mean to interfere in others lifes and convince them for what they are not able to do. Every person can choose how to live his own life if he dosen't hurt others, but everyone will have to make a positive step in the present for our future, for our youth. A man can't change the past but he can determine the future! Think about it!
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1 dan 19 ur od tega
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