Večer z Jen Paches v SC v Rogu

Poslal-a nomadska univerza, Ned, 22/10/2006 - 12:35
23 Okt 2006 - 19:00 || 23 Okt 2006 - 23:00

Socialni center (Hiša cvetja, desno od glavnega vhoda)

V okviru »Pretty Little Stars Autumn Tour 2006« bo v ponedeljek 23. oktobra ob 19. uri v Socialnem centru v Rogu (stavba Hisa cvetja, desno od glavnega vhoda) gostovala Jen Paches iz Vancouvra, Kanada. Vecer z Jen se bo zacel z delavnico in nadaljeval s koncertom. Vabljeni!

Predstavitev Jen Paches

When we left our heroine, she had just played at last year s Festival, where she made many new friends. The press reported sitings of respectable Bach, a jerking, jamming ball of energy, a bohemian Sharon Stone, somewhere between Paula Cole and Sid Vicious. One reporter said she was in no way, shape or form ready for Jen Paches. Don t know how anyone possibly could be. In August last year, she was invited to perform at the women s prison in Abbottsford. Then she was invited to tour Europe (again) and to play at an Amnesty International Music Fair in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

She finished work on her CD IT which was released in September. She appeared with Paul Plimley, Bob Wiseman and Mark Critchley at 8/88, a brilliant night of solo piano compositions at the Vancouver East Cultural Centre and was given a standing ovation when she appeared at a Festival Rent Party this year.

Some say Jen was raised by wolves in the northern prairies. Her fans include classical music icons, new agers, and hard-core rock fanzines.kd lang liked her playing so much she asked Jen to be in her band. She is a multi-media artist with a degree in music composition and performance and she has written two full-scale operas. Her own description of what she does comes down to anarcoustic classic core and that may be as close as anyone ever gets. How else to describe an artist who plays the piano like an avenging angel, sings, plays the drums, harmonica, a rubber rat and junk food ...all in one song? Her energy, skill, love of music and her open musical mind all make her an ideal Festival performer, and we re thrilled to have her back with us. (Vir:

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thats the live shows.

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