Antimilitarizem v Izraelu- okrogla miza o okupaciji, apartheidu in zavračanju služenja vojaškega roka

Poslal-a Spelcek, Sre, 14/02/2007 - 20:09
5 Mar 2007 - 20:00 || 5 Mar 2007 - 22:00

Hiša Cvetja

Okrogla miza z dvema 19-letnima aktivistoma iz Izraela, ki sta sodelovala pri ustanoviti organizacije izraelskih dijakov, ki zavračajo služenje vojaškega roka zaradi okupacije Palestine. Povedala bosta svoji zgodbi in govorila o gibanjih proti okupaciji in proti zidu v Izraelu in Palestini.

"The Shministim is an association of senior high-school students, that
sent in 2005 a letter to the Israeli ministry of Defence, declaring
they refuse to serve the Israeli occupation of Palestine. While many
of the students chose to evade military service by pretending to be
insane, others chose to publicly refuse in order to maximalize the
effect of the refusal. Many of which (up to 15 students, boys and
girls) served time in military prison due to their refusal.

The lecture will include Omri Evron and Lior Voliynich, two of the
young refusers who signed the "Shministim" letter. Omri, one of the
writers of the letter, had served 2 months of prison due to his
refusal, 2 months in which he was locked in solitary confinement
without access to the outside world. Lior, on the other hand, did not
serve prison time. He publicly refused for political motives, yet he
was released by the army authorities because of "conscience" reasons,
a day before his anticipated trial.

The army's strategy in dealing with public refusers differ a lot. Some
refusers have spent 2 years in prison, while other were locked for 14
days only. The refuser always have a way out - To pretend to be
mentally insane. If in the past evading military service was
considered a shame by many, these days the efforts of the "Shministim"
and other organisations have led to a situation in which 50% of the
Israeli youth do not serve full service (3 years for men, 2 years for
women) in the Israeli army.

In addition to discussing the refusal movement in Israel, Lior and
Omri will discuss the non violent Palestinian struggle against the
occupation and the Aperthid wall, a struggle in which many Israeli and
International activists take part in.This struggle is violently
oppressed by the Israeli authorities, and it will be presented to the
crowed using movies and images.

The full letter in English:

Some pictures from the last months:

articles about us in english:,7340,L-3316237,00.html,7340,L-3311436,00.html "

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