Poslal-a moonflower, Pet, 16/03/2007 - 22:22
19 Mar 2007 - 21:00 || 20 Mar 2007 - 01:00

SOCIALNI CENTER V ROGU/SOCIAL CENTER IN ROG (cez vrata desno/after the main entrance go right)

Hello everybody!

We are organizing a CLANDESTINO PARTY every monday at 21.00 in Social center in ROG! The second party will be devoted also to the first anniversary of ROG. We are working on the detention center project in Postojna and we are trying to get some fund for visits. You are all over than welcome to CLANDESTINO PARTIES to support fight against detention center in Europe and all over the world.

We also invite you to our meetings every monday at 19.00 to participate in the action against detention centers and help organize a free legal help to detained people.

See you on mondays!

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