The Dystopian World of 1984 Explained

Poslal-a kaptive, Sob, 04/03/2017 - 07:30

George Orwell's novel has been brought up recently. Many terms and facts are used. The world he crafted doses have some similarities, but it in itself is dystopian in its own right. What caused this to happen? What made 1984 such a dark novel that Orwellian is now a term? This is one video to explain.

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Poslal-a rgb, Tor, 07/03/2017 - 10:35

/// On 20th of January 2017 Manufacturing Consent Just Fell Appart.
// Did it ? I Am Not sure.
/ Putin Trump Erdogan Orban Junkers Nretanjahu Saudi Archloh Abe Yakuzza etc etc ...the 97% of the nationalist international is already On Power.

/// We are waiting for Dutch French and German Elections
// the future was decided this summer 17

// Toshba Westinghous Mnster

///////////////: RGB RGB mio il commento finale grazie scimmie///

/// Aliens ?
// We. My body is full of morgelons

//////// What to do with you ?
/ Embed me Well.
// an fuck off her û her pussy xaxaxa
/// Maniac ?
//// No Hysterical Subject, the last chance for survival on the almost completely conformed and mute world ( 80 pewrcent 4 fcksake!)
///////////// YDL O

Kaptive: Zakaj pa tega norca stalno linkaš, saj vidiš da nima pojma !
Rgb: Ta Norec je Umetnik ! Čeprav se večinoma moti ustvarja pomembne učinke, sili razmišljati brez njega ne bi prišel do Kevina ne do Dane ne do Lauria.. zasluži si največjo nagrado, spremlja ga pa sto ljudi
od 3 miljard ki imajo dostop do interneta, to ti pove več kot marsikaj drugega poleg tega tudi to da je naša sodobna totalitarnost na nto potenco bolj totalitarna kot vse orwellove fantazije skupaj...

//// Ev xweş ji bo xizmeta bi te bû ciao


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