okrog 21h
Klemen Šalamon, klaviature
Klemen je ljubiteljski glasbenik. Izvajal in improviziral bo avtorska dela.
okrog 22h
Juan Martín López Cariboni
A set of songs from Violeta Parra to Tangente
Juan Martín López Cariboni is an Uruguayan composer, guitarist and singer. He lands in Slovenia carrying a set of solo music pieces and songs. His music is the result of a multifaceted personality and puts together folkloric sounds from South America and contemporary textures and languages. He works in the fields of sound and communication, technology, soundscape and the acoustic characteristics of the word at the University of Montevideo, Uruguay.
His last project was developed for an art residence in Bologna last November. It implied the creation of 8 characters built upon collages made out of found texts (books, advertising, magazines, etc). The work was introduced to the public at a group exhibition, in which Juan Martin was shifting between different performative spaces and changing his outfits, playing and singing the songs of his invented characters.
Po koncertu bo jam session.
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