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11 priponk | Elise's blog | Za komentiranje se prijavi oz. registriraj | preberi več

लोकल न्यूज़ इन प्रोग्रेस

In January 2015 Syriza became the first radical left government in modern Europe. In July its people rejected financial regime change with a resounding No! vote in the referendum. Our cameras were there, from the first election rally to the government HQ on referendum night and we're still shooting. And Dreams Shall Take Revenge is a feature-length documentary followign the story of Syriza's grassroots - from the mountains of Corinth to the waterfront in Pireaeas and the working class districts of Athens. And we've had unique access to the corridors of power - among men and women who spent their lives protesting outside 赤菉青 buildings they now govern from. And Dreams Shall Take Revenge is an independent documentary directed by Theopi Skarlatos, produced for Exarcheia Films by Paul Mason, with music by Vanias Apergis. It is produced in association with FosPhotos and dotmov.gr This is an independent production, with 75% of the budget raised on Indiegogo. We are looking for a TV network and a digital distributor. Please watch and share this trailer. It's only a glimpse of what the final movie will contain - as all our political interviews are embargoed until the movie's premiere. www.dreamstakerevenge.com No use by broadcasters without express written permission from Exarcheia Ltd. Embed anywhere and share widely.

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Pokljuka, 29. Januar, zgodaj zjutraj.

V konvoju je 25 vozil – transporterji, jeepi, sanitetno vozilo, tovornjaki , bivalni avtobus, logistični center in nekaj tankov . Že pred sončnim vzhodom je enota pripravljena na premik,
Vsi samo čakajo na moj znak.
Cilj je Znan že od leta 2016 . Območje tovarne Rog v Ljubljani, kjer je župan pred nekaj leti na ukaz ZJD4-/vztop-prost-izhoda-ni/ uredil zadosti veliko parkirišče v strogem centru mesta za vso našo state-of-the-art-full-spectrum-analysis opremo.

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