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Maj 20, 2010 - Junij 09, 2010
05 / 20
05 / 21
05 / 22
Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 22 Maj 2010 - 23:59
Konec: 23 Maj 2010 - 06:00

club "Ultima" - Tovarna ROG(UPSTAIRS), Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana

shoutous to everyone!

thanx to all of you who brought lotsa fire to these recent turbo-radical events at Ultima, keep it up, let's go even more beyond and set the world's party standards even higher, why not ;)

well..looks like Ultima is totally ruling European Party scene))).. so talk to your neighbour to have his Christmas party or Birthday Bash at our place, we make it nicccce..ask around, we already put out a few Birthday bashes that shook up the town in this season.

05 / 23
Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 22 Maj 2010 - 23:59
Konec: 23 Maj 2010 - 06:00

club "Ultima" - Tovarna ROG(UPSTAIRS), Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana

shoutous to everyone!

thanx to all of you who brought lotsa fire to these recent turbo-radical events at Ultima, keep it up, let's go even more beyond and set the world's party standards even higher, why not ;)

well..looks like Ultima is totally ruling European Party scene))).. so talk to your neighbour to have his Christmas party or Birthday Bash at our place, we make it nicccce..ask around, we already put out a few Birthday bashes that shook up the town in this season.

05 / 24
05 / 25
05 / 26
Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana - concert hall

Tradicionalne Freestyle Karaoke & Jam Session

Marko Petušič - Petko

- pianino -

je naš redni sodelavec, ki je v Rogu že velikokrat igral, med drugim tudi v duetu Blue Train, dvakrat s Pinjo Džazno: 25.5.2007 in 8.7.2008, na -O- in na nekaterih organiziranih jam sessionih, pa tudi kakšno sredo je prišel na Freestyle Karaoke, je s klavirskim recitalom, julija 2009, vzpostavil koncertno dvorano v Rogu kot prostor, v katerem se dogajajo tudi koncerti klasične glasbe. 26.5.2010 bo v okviru priprav na izpit iz klavirja na Akademiji v koncertni dvorani tovarne Rog izvedel klavirski recital.

05 / 27
Začetek: 21:00

koncertna dvorana


Tokrat bojo apokalipso v vratu povzročal naslednji orkestri:

-Uroš ( - Goat metal

Band s seksi člani, ki širi blagoslov koze Uroša skozi njihovo glasbo narejeno z jajci, 'nuff said!

-Koromač ( - Punk fueled metal

Mlad našusiran trio, ki vas bo poslal v mosh ... po možnosti nage.

-Incubation ( - Death metal


-Watermelon fuck club (too underground for myspace) - speed drone

Post-apokaliptični eksperimentalni prog-grinderski glasbeno/gledališki duo (po možnosti trio) bo prikazal skrajno nedokončan sad svojega dolgoletnega dela v random vrstnem redu.

05 / 28
Začetek: 21:00
Konec: 23:00

Socialni Center ROG, Trubarjeva 72, 1000 Ljubljana, Slo, EU


WAX MANNEQUIN (Ontario, Canada)


Po koncertu Jam session

klikni za več...

Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 28 Maj 2010 - 22:00
Konec: 29 Maj 2010 - 06:00

koncertna dvorana



Warnin warnin, nuclear attack!!!
ILLEGAL bo pred začetkom poletja še enkrat konkretno zatresel Ljubljano – tokrat se bomo trudili z udari basa božati dvorano v Rogu, razlog in motiv pa sta posebne vrste. Naš Smooth slavi izdajo svoje prve vinilke na sloviti založbi Viper in bo ob tej priložnosti otresel prah z zvočnikov, kjer se nabira od naše zadnje zvočne eskapade. ILLEGAL uletava 28. maja od 23h naprej v Tovarno ROG v postavi Tsunami, Hose, Hedon, Spade, freakolowsky ter udarni Illegalni dvojec, ki se prebija v drum and bass ligo prvakov – Telekinesis.
Na vratih se zbirajo prostovoljni prispevki, znotraj Roga vas čaka temačno vesolje ILLEGAL zvoka!

Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 28 Maj 2010 - 23:59
Konec: 29 Maj 2010 - 06:00

club "Ultima" - Tovarna ROG(UPSTAIRS), Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana

shoutous to everyone!

thanx to all of you who brought lotsa fire to these recent turbo-radical events at Ultima, keep it up, let's go even more beyond and set the world's party standards even higher, why not ;)

well..looks like Ultima is totally ruling European Party scene))).. so talk to your neighbour to have his Christmas party or Birthday Bash at our place, we make it nicccce..ask around, we already put out a few Birthday bashes that shook up the town in this season.

05 / 29
Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 28 Maj 2010 - 22:00
Konec: 29 Maj 2010 - 06:00

koncertna dvorana



Warnin warnin, nuclear attack!!!
ILLEGAL bo pred začetkom poletja še enkrat konkretno zatresel Ljubljano – tokrat se bomo trudili z udari basa božati dvorano v Rogu, razlog in motiv pa sta posebne vrste. Naš Smooth slavi izdajo svoje prve vinilke na sloviti založbi Viper in bo ob tej priložnosti otresel prah z zvočnikov, kjer se nabira od naše zadnje zvočne eskapade. ILLEGAL uletava 28. maja od 23h naprej v Tovarno ROG v postavi Tsunami, Hose, Hedon, Spade, freakolowsky ter udarni Illegalni dvojec, ki se prebija v drum and bass ligo prvakov – Telekinesis.
Na vratih se zbirajo prostovoljni prispevki, znotraj Roga vas čaka temačno vesolje ILLEGAL zvoka!

Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 28 Maj 2010 - 23:59
Konec: 29 Maj 2010 - 06:00

club "Ultima" - Tovarna ROG(UPSTAIRS), Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana

shoutous to everyone!

thanx to all of you who brought lotsa fire to these recent turbo-radical events at Ultima, keep it up, let's go even more beyond and set the world's party standards even higher, why not ;)

well..looks like Ultima is totally ruling European Party scene))).. so talk to your neighbour to have his Christmas party or Birthday Bash at our place, we make it nicccce..ask around, we already put out a few Birthday bashes that shook up the town in this season.

Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 29 Maj 2010 - 23:00
Konec: 30 Maj 2010 - 06:00

club "Ultima" - Tovarna ROG(UPSTAIRS), Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana

shoutous to everyone!

thanx to all of you who brought lotsa fire to these recent turbo-radical events at Ultima, keep it up, let's go even more beyond and set the world's party standards even higher, why not ;)

well..looks like Ultima is totally ruling European Party scene))).. so talk to your neighbour to have his Christmas party or Birthday Bash at our place, we make it nicccce..ask around, we already put out a few Birthday bashes that shook up the town in this season.

05 / 30
Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 29 Maj 2010 - 23:00
Konec: 30 Maj 2010 - 06:00

club "Ultima" - Tovarna ROG(UPSTAIRS), Trubarjeva 72, Ljubljana

shoutous to everyone!

thanx to all of you who brought lotsa fire to these recent turbo-radical events at Ultima, keep it up, let's go even more beyond and set the world's party standards even higher, why not ;)

well..looks like Ultima is totally ruling European Party scene))).. so talk to your neighbour to have his Christmas party or Birthday Bash at our place, we make it nicccce..ask around, we already put out a few Birthday bashes that shook up the town in this season.

05 / 31
06 / 1
06 / 2
06 / 3
Začetek: 23:00

Koncertna dvorana

Ob 23.00 na kabaretu nastopijo nizozemski politični punkrockerji ANTILLECTUAL. Pred tem je lutkovna predstava, po koncertu se nadaljuje cabaret.

06 / 4
Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana - concert hall

Worldly Savages


"Contagious Folk-Punk Energy with Ethno Music Spiciness. Wild Music to Fight Boring Post-Modernity in Rog again!!!!!"

Started in Belgrade, Serbia and continued in Toronto, Canada, the band plays an energizing Gypsy Punk style mixing Eastern European sounds with Western Rock music and danceable rhythms underneath powerful and entertaining lyrics. Their repertoire includes mostly original songs but also some traditional folk songs re-worked for the band's style. The band will be touring this time as 5 piece acoustic ensemble with Vocals, Guitar, Accordion, Violin, Double Bass & Percussion with members from France, Mexico, Canada & Ukraine.

06 / 5
06 / 6
06 / 7
06 / 8
06 / 9
Konec: 04:00
Začetek: 9 Jun 2010 - 21:00
Konec: 10 Jun 2010 - 04:00

Koncertna dvorana


Že več kot tri leta se dogajajo karaoke-jamsessioni (po domače karaoke) v Rogu vsako sredo z redkimi izjemami. V tem času sta bili mogoče dve ali največ tri srede, ko karaok ni bilo.

Karaoke so zastavjljene s čim manj omejitvami kreativnosti in izražanja. Namenjene so predvsem aktivnim udeležencem, ki pridejo igrat ...ali pet, čeprav so tudi tisti, ki pridejo samo poslušat in gledat dobrodošli. Eno galvnih pravil je FREESTYLE, kar pomeni, da napake v nastopu niso možne. Ne moreš se zmotiti tudi če se hočeš! Poleg tega spodbujamo komunikacijo in sodelovanje med nastopajočimi med nastopom. Po želji omogočimo tudi nastop solo točk, če se izvajalec ne počuti dobro v družbi ostalih, vseeno pa želi nekaj pokazati.

Začetek: 22:00
Konec: 23:59

koncertna dvorana

LIFE ENDS (ger) koncert je prestavljen na petek 11.6. skupaj z campus stermini in baka yaro