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Junij 19, 2010 - Julij 09, 2010
06 / 19
Konec: 07:00
Začetek: 18 Jun 2010 - 21:30
Konec: 19 Jun 2010 - 07:00

"ULTiMA " -Trubarjeva 72, UPSTAIRS of Rog's Concert Hall, Ljubljana

If you dig the raw power,original fire and the humor of Ultima's pura vida parties, crash by for another superintence event - next one of Ultima's signature Birthday Bashes series. Matej celebrates his birhtday with lotsa cool friends.

Expect Multi-Kulti turboreactive Mash-Up by djDimon + 11 international superstar djs // Ultra intence D'n'B , Swing, Rio Funky Hiphop/Breakbeat, Trubači, Ska-Punk, Ragga-Jungle, Black Sea Dancehall, Reggae & beyond + wicked vide projections
ULTiMA (formerly Cafe Trotsky) in New York Times:
well..looks like Ultima is totally ruling European Party scene))).. so talk to your neighbour to have his Christmas party or Birthday Bash at our place, we make it nicccce..ask around, we already put out a few Birthday bashes that shook up the town in this season.

Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana



Goričani ga sekajo od leta 2005, že naslednje leto pa so izdali prvenec Pravica do ugovora in ga prezentirali publiki širom Slovenije na kar 18 koncertih! Skupina je s svojimi energičnimi nastopi, dobila odlične odzive publike in tako dobila status, kot ena boljših "live" zasedb pri nas! Kot nagrada je sledil nastop na Rock Otočcu 2007. Nato je sledil premor med katerim je prišlo tudi do sprememb v zasedbi in samim tem pa je začela nastajati nova plošča, ki bo izšla spomladi 2010 in nosi naziv Divina Tragedia, po Dantijevi Divini Komediji. V lanski klubski sezoni so odigrali 4 klubske koncerte in predstavili nekaj novih komadov s prihajajoče plošče. Sedaj so tu, da nam ponovno ugovarjajo, na še 12 novih načinov. Trenutno na klubski turneji po Sloveniji. Do sedaj oddelano 6 datumov, vsaj 5 jih še čaka, med drugim tudi nastop na SpringFestu!

Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 19 Jun 2010 - 22:00
Konec: 20 Jun 2010 - 06:00

"ULTiMA " -Trubarjeva 72, UPSTAIRS of Rog's Concert Hall, Ljubljana

First band show in Ultima yo!
'CAFE OLGA SANCHEZ' + DjDimon all night long

B'CAFE OLGA SANCHEZ's concert starts at 22.00.


orrriginal supernatural turboreactive multi-orgasmic hysteria

If you dig the raw power,original fire and the humor of Ultima's pura vida parties, crash by for another superintence event.
Tonight we'll have a bellydancer jamming with us after midnight, don't miss the show!
Expect Multi-Kulti turboreactive Mash-Up by djDimon + 11 international superstar djs // Ultra intence D'n'B , Swing, Rio Funky Hiphop/Breakbeat, Trubači, Ska-Punk, Ragga-Jungle, Black Sea Dancehall, Reggae & beyond + wicked vide projections
New kinda party, and new kinda art is buckle up, Evropa!!

06 / 20
Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 19 Jun 2010 - 22:00
Konec: 20 Jun 2010 - 06:00

"ULTiMA " -Trubarjeva 72, UPSTAIRS of Rog's Concert Hall, Ljubljana

First band show in Ultima yo!
'CAFE OLGA SANCHEZ' + DjDimon all night long

B'CAFE OLGA SANCHEZ's concert starts at 22.00.


orrriginal supernatural turboreactive multi-orgasmic hysteria

If you dig the raw power,original fire and the humor of Ultima's pura vida parties, crash by for another superintence event.
Tonight we'll have a bellydancer jamming with us after midnight, don't miss the show!
Expect Multi-Kulti turboreactive Mash-Up by djDimon + 11 international superstar djs // Ultra intence D'n'B , Swing, Rio Funky Hiphop/Breakbeat, Trubači, Ska-Punk, Ragga-Jungle, Black Sea Dancehall, Reggae & beyond + wicked vide projections
New kinda party, and new kinda art is buckle up, Evropa!!

06 / 21
06 / 22
Začetek: 12:00
Konec: 16:00



Začetek: 22:00
Konec: 23:59


ANARHO TERROR SQUAD (anarho hc punk slovenia)

TOTÄLICKERS [d-beat punk Barcelona käos)


06 / 23
Začetek: 15:00
Konec: 19:00

Nicole Speletic


Začetek: 22:00


Tokrat bo otvoritev mogoče malo kasneje, saj je planiran začetek jama okrog 22.00, ko pride nekaj folka igrat.

Otvoril-a/i pa bo-sta/jo


Miloš Rebula klaviatur-a/i
Vitja Balžalorsky kitara
in bobnar presenečenja
z instant kompozicijo.

Otvoritev se bo začela enkrat do polnoči, jam pa se začne okrog 22.00.

06 / 24
Konec: 05:00
Začetek: 24 Jun 2010 - 21:00
Konec: 25 Jun 2010 - 05:00

ULTiMA - UPSTiRS ROG, Trubarjeva 72

21.00 - ...
students of High School For Art - Contemporary Dance get together for a graduation Goodbye Bash
4 student DJs will be rolling Breaks, DnB, Balkan Beats all night long

06 / 25
Konec: 05:00
Začetek: 24 Jun 2010 - 21:00
Konec: 25 Jun 2010 - 05:00

ULTiMA - UPSTiRS ROG, Trubarjeva 72

21.00 - ...
students of High School For Art - Contemporary Dance get together for a graduation Goodbye Bash
4 student DJs will be rolling Breaks, DnB, Balkan Beats all night long

06 / 26
Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana

Electrik explosion benefit festival

(hc punk- izrael)
(alcohol violence punk-koper)
(hardkorčina iz kopra)

(grind core- gorica)

06 / 27
06 / 28
Začetek: 22:00

Koncertna Dvorana


imadethismistake is a solo DIY punk/folk/spoken word effort from Kyle William Campol, originally hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada but now hailing from Tallahassee, Florida, USA.


We (Apologies, i have none) decided to start a band sometime in late 2006 and wrote some pretty bad songs that we thought were awesome for a while. We scrapped them all and then home recorded and put out "Done", our first EP once we had written some much better songs than our previous efforts and got a bit better at playing our instruments. We spent a lot of 2008 learning how to play the songs with some sort of consistency by practicing relentlessly and playing at generally poorly attended gigs with bands I was to never hear about again (mostly). Sometime in mid-2008 we finally started getting on shows with bands that we think are awesome regularly and that was good news. We started recording our second EP "Two Sticks and Six Strings" in September 2008 and finished it and put it our ourselves in early 2009. We continue to tour as much as we possibly can and we still strive to play with consistency. Josh plays guitar instead of drumming now, I (Dan) play guitar, PJ plays bass and Joe drums. Everyone woahs. We'd love to play your town/house/party, let us know if you'll have us and we'll sort it out.

06 / 29
Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana

live punkrap hipcore DIY band

Konec: 05:00
Začetek: 29 Jun 2010 - 23:59
Konec: 30 Jun 2010 - 05:00

"ULTiMA " -Trubarjeva 72, UPSTAIRS of Rog's Concert Hall, Ljubljana

orrriginal supernatural turboreactive multi-orgasmic hysteria Gogol Bordello stylee

Pura Vida Ultima Sound Systema (Dimon+Pasha+Marrria) invites everyone for ultimate celebration of the momentum - dance afterparty at Ultima right after Kultur Shock(USA/Bosnia/Bulgaria/Japan/Russia) and Boom Boom Kid (Argentina) concert (the concert itself takes place at Metelkova's Gala Hala's Open Air Stage at 21.00).
You know our party let's cut to the chase - it's gonna be mad.

If you dig the raw power,original fire and the humor of Ultima's pura vida parties, crash by for another superintence event.
we'll have a bellydancer jamming with us, don't miss the show!

06 / 30
Konec: 05:00
Začetek: 29 Jun 2010 - 23:59
Konec: 30 Jun 2010 - 05:00

"ULTiMA " -Trubarjeva 72, UPSTAIRS of Rog's Concert Hall, Ljubljana

orrriginal supernatural turboreactive multi-orgasmic hysteria Gogol Bordello stylee

Pura Vida Ultima Sound Systema (Dimon+Pasha+Marrria) invites everyone for ultimate celebration of the momentum - dance afterparty at Ultima right after Kultur Shock(USA/Bosnia/Bulgaria/Japan/Russia) and Boom Boom Kid (Argentina) concert (the concert itself takes place at Metelkova's Gala Hala's Open Air Stage at 21.00).
You know our party let's cut to the chase - it's gonna be mad.

If you dig the raw power,original fire and the humor of Ultima's pura vida parties, crash by for another superintence event.
we'll have a bellydancer jamming with us, don't miss the show!

Začetek: 22:00

koncertna dvorana - concert hall

Zgodila se bo nadgradnja prejšnjega jama.


Prva liga

Miloš Rebula klaviature
Vitja Balžalorsky kitara
Aleš Zorec bobni presenečenja

Miloševa spremna beseda k nastopu na jamu, 30.6.2010:
Tudi naslednji umetniški dogodek, recital improviziranih skladb moderne klasične glasbe domačih del bo predstavljal bizarno sestavo elementov, porogljivo poigravajoč se z urejeno glasbeno pripovedjo in s teatralnimi pogovori inštrumentov, ki bodo prispevali k zaokroženosti celotnega koncerta. V zmagoslavju blokov črnih tipk na klaviaturah, ki bodo v začetku delovali samostojno ter se nato zgoščeno združevali z bobnarsko podlago do nerazločljivosti, bo potekal samostojen del kompozicije. Klišejska pripoved se bo pojila na nasprotjih nežnih, meditativnih trenutkov, stopnjevanih v mračnjaško atonalnost ter hektično razsekanost. Na podobni napetosti, ki se roga njeni lastni bizarnosti, bo gradila tudi kitarska sozvočnost. Četudi zelo moderno, bo v tem kontekstu delovala precej tradicionalno. Nadaljevalo se bo v opojni meditativnosti in z močnim pridihom espresso-impresionizma v povsem nasprotni smeri od vseh poprejšnjih momentov in milina izraza bo tu doživela svoj višek. Odlični, s tehnično popolnostjo odigrani kratki intermezzi bodo v nizu tega večera delovali morda nekoliko izven konteksta in sklenjeni v nek časovni krog in bi jih morda morali v vrstnem redu kompozicij smiselno postaviti na kako drugo mesto, a tovrstno oblikovno nejasnost bo odtehtal svojevrsten zaključek recitala. Dodatek, povsem primeren za koncert, ki se ne bo spuščal v isto globino pretežno težkih improvizacij, ga bo namreč obrnil v tretjo smer.

07 / 1
Konec: 03:00
Začetek: 1 Jul 2010 - 14:00
Konec: 2 Jul 2010 - 03:00

Tovarna Rog - Dvorišče, Socialni center, Koncertna dvorana

Fronta prekercev vabi na benefit žur za popravilo agregata, ki je bil poškodovan na alterfestaciji proti delu 19.5.


14:00 Piknik

18:00 Ogled filma z alterfestacije proti delu

20:00 Koncerti:

SENSIMILIA (rock/hardcore) -

DIVJI ŠTRUDL (rock'n'roll) -

THE GHEN (rock/progressive) -

ELECTRIC BIRDS (from another dimension)

Vstopnina: Prostovoljni prispevki za agregat

07 / 2
Konec: 03:00
Začetek: 1 Jul 2010 - 14:00
Konec: 2 Jul 2010 - 03:00

Tovarna Rog - Dvorišče, Socialni center, Koncertna dvorana

Fronta prekercev vabi na benefit žur za popravilo agregata, ki je bil poškodovan na alterfestaciji proti delu 19.5.


14:00 Piknik

18:00 Ogled filma z alterfestacije proti delu

20:00 Koncerti:

SENSIMILIA (rock/hardcore) -

DIVJI ŠTRUDL (rock'n'roll) -

THE GHEN (rock/progressive) -

ELECTRIC BIRDS (from another dimension)

Vstopnina: Prostovoljni prispevki za agregat

07 / 3
07 / 4
07 / 5
07 / 6
Začetek: 22:00

Koncertna Dvorana


Bangers are a 3 piece punk rock band from Cornwall, England. Our singer used to give people careers advice until we quit our jobs to play in a shitty punk band.


Philadelphia’s own Dirty Tactics have been steadily gaining notoriety as one of the most exciting, up and coming, young bands. Known for catchy melodies and sing along choruses that maintain pop sensibility but offer the intensity and vigor only seen in the punk rock underground. As the band grows, a much more obscure approach to the music has been evident. When combined with the lyrical content, and the cleaner twang of the guitars, the band falls into a unique category of music that is hard to find in recent years. When listening, the roots of punk and rock and roll are obvious but confining them to either genre would not do their sound justice. The band has maintained the values and ethos of the punk rock scene, but has evolved its sound into something they can call their own.

07 / 7
Začetek: 22:00

concert hall


!0th SET BY

RPP Trio

Miloš Rebula (klaviature)
Rui Pereira (bobni)
Boštjan Podlesnik (bas)

Jazz standardi na zelo nemoderen način v zelo modernem času!
Lep dan!

07 / 8
07 / 9
Začetek: 16:00

Modri kot Tovarne ROG, Trubarjeva 72, 1000 Ljubljana, Slo, EU

Socialni event

Pred in v Modrem kotu

za razvedrilo bo skrbel

ROG-land (demo) by RBS-Productions

Konec: 06:00
Začetek: 9 Jul 2010 - 22:00
Konec: 10 Jul 2010 - 06:00