Povezovalno srečanje Ljubljana–Maribor / Hub Meeting Ljubljana-Maribor (18.-20. april 2013)

Poslal-a Parisien, Čet, 14/03/2013 - 10:49

(english bellow)

Poziv k sodelovanju

Upori proti varčevalnim ukrepom so zajeli celotno Evropo in Sredozemlje. Po arabskih pomladih, zasedbi trgov po Španiji, množičnih protestih proti varčevanju na Portugalskem in v Italiji in dramatičnem uporu proti evropski krizni diktaturi v Grčiji, so se vstaje razširile po celotni Vzhodni Evropi, zlasti Sloveniji, Bolgariji in na Hrvaškem.

Vstaje po Evropi in Sredozemlju so množičen izraz ogorčenja nad neoliberalnim vladanjem in krizno diktaturo ter izražajo zahtevo po demokratizaciji družbe in nadzoru ljudstva nad skupnim dobrim. Množice na ulicah napadajo korupcijo, privatizacijo in razlastitev. Zahtevajo pa socialne pravice in pravice skupnega dobrega.

Te vstaje so tudi jasen izraz krize predstavniške demokracije. Medtem ko vse vstaje označuje značilno geslo Nihče nas ne predstavlja, iščejo ljudje znotraj samega boja družbene in politične prakse, ki bi omogočile ustvarjanje močnih orodij za družbene spremembe.

Samonikla gibanja v Sloveniji zato pozivajo na povezovalno srečanje evropskih in sredozemskih gibanj v Ljubljani in Mariboru med 18. in 20. aprilom. Želimo organizirati tridnevne delavnice in srečanja s poudarkom na: oblikovanje skupnih analiz in praks gibanj v zvezi s ključnimi temami kot so na primer proces oblikovanja novih družbenih dogovorov, redefiniranje pravic in pojma skupne dobrobiti.

Zato pozivamo vsa gibanja in iniciative, da sodelujejo v tej izmenjavi informacij, idej in praks z organizacijo njihovih lastnih delavnic. Predloge zbiramo do nedelje, 24. marca, na podlagi njih pa bomo nato sestavili končen program povezovalnega srečanja.


Hub Meeting 2013 – Ljubljana/Maribor

Twitter: @HubMeeting2013

Call for participation

Uprisings against austerity and corruption are engulfing Europe and the Mediterranean. After Arab springs, occupations of squares in Spain, mass protests against austerity in Portugal and Italy, and dramatic resistance to the European crisis dictatorship in Greece, uprisings are virulently breaking out across Eastern Europe, most notably in Slovenia, Bulgaria and Croatia.

Uprisings across Europe and the Mediterranean are a massive expression of indignation against neoliberal governance and crisis dictatorship, and for a democratization of societies and for people’s control over commonwealth. What is attacked by the masses on the streets is corruption, privatization and expropriation. What is demanded are social rights and the rights of the commons.

These uprisings are also a clear expression of the crisis of representative democracy. While the slogan: No One Represents Us has became a hallmark call, people in the struggle are searching for social and political practices that would allow for constructing potent generators of social power for change. Our central questions now are: what would the constituent process be, and how to produce rights in times of the irreversible crisis of representative politics?

The grass roots movements in Slovenia are therefore calling for the hub meeting of European and Mediterranean movements in Ljubljana and Maribor, between April 18th and 20th. We want to organize a few days of workshops and encounters along this lines of focus: contribute to the production of common analyses and practices of movements around the key topics, such as the constituent process, and the production of rights and of the common welfare.

Therefore we call for grass root movements and initiatives to participate in this exchange of information, ideas and practices by organizing their own workshop. We are collecting proposals until Sunday 24th of March upon which we will make final program of the hub meeting.


Hub Meeting 2013 – Ljubljana/Maribor

Twitter: @HubMeeting2013

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