JazzklubMezzoforte Pinjajazzna MEGATRON_vS_minitron

10 Mar 2022 - 21:30 || 10 Mar 2022 - 22:30

pri MoMotu

audio video pretok v živo na: https://kompot.si/cirkus-tovarne-rog/prisluhni/

Pinja jazzna

MEGATRON vS. minitron

Pinja jazzna se več kot 20 let ukvarja s svobodno glasbo.

Štefan Miljević bo krmilil Megatron,
Primož Potokar pa

Štefan Miljević je Megatron izdelal pred več kot 30 leti, Primož Potokar pa je Minitron izdelal letos.

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Erosova Krila

8 Mar 2022 - 19:00 || 8 Mar 2022 - 21:00

Mala Loža, Koper

cona svobodne umetnosti

Posvečeno Aleksandri Kolontai ob stoletnici njenega manifesta, konkretne utopije enakopravnosti in miru, ki postavlja ljubezen pred razredni boj.

Začasna cona svobodne umetnosti v Mali Loži bo gostila več performativno intermedijskih dogodkov.

8. 3. ob 19.00. otvoritveni performans in razstava:

Tierno Diallo, bas
Ryuzo Fukuhara, gib
Asja Trost in Majda Gregorič, video postavitev

17. 3. Cirkuški klub Mezzoforte in Ingver in Gverilke

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/ Qu'est-ce que l'art pour vous ?

______________ Coupe diagonale / Gris sur blanc plus
__________ _________, __ ___ ____.

rgb's blog | Za komentiranje se prijavi oz. registriraj | preberi več

191: Dogodek v mestu Taliban

19 Jan 2022 - 04:00 || 20 Jan 2022 - 16:00


1 komentar | koledar

Turist Agent predstavlja

JKMF_9_1__22_celonočni ali adio bavba

komentarji :

/// Gledam "Dosje Kangler" mmc, tarča
// _______ "Dosje Janković"
/ ________

rgb's blog | Za komentiranje se prijavi oz. registriraj

A.Maiah "Lokarriak" new guitar improv album out

i hope you and your loved ones are doing well and stay safe.
I´m a basque musician with a new album out and i just wanted to let you know about it.
I have your contact from the diy touring scene sources since i´m also part of this scene. I hope you don´t mind this humble email.
Have a great winter!
Thank you for your time,

The basque guitarist releases a new album of guitar improvisations triggered by a feeling of enboxment both in his own ecosystem and the confinements of the guitar itself.
Improvising around very specific melodic motifs, the raw sounding electric guitar chokes bluesy dissonances without losing the emotional link.
With 20+ years on his shoulders in the post-punk/noise-rock scene, in 2015 Asier Maiah (Vitoria-Gasteiz,1976) began to develop a solo work that has taken him so far from an industrialesque layering of noise to twilight instrumental music of droney psychedelic sounds.
"Lokarriak" ("Entanglements" in basque language) is a digital release from the artist in his own bandcamp and a 30 cassette tapes release by Umezurtz Lanak.


ThDi's blog | 1 komentar