Žig@ ; projekcija ; projection ; 43 min
Video: Žiga Pilih
Audio: *The Vikings*
Žig@ ; projekcija ; projection ; 43 min
Video: Žiga Pilih
Audio: *The Vikings*
The meaning of tattvartha comes from Sanskrit and stands for truth, reality, real and true nature. This teaparty in the spirit of tattvartha was created by mixing the downtempo beats from Paulicious. All the visual coverage was made by RGB. Cozy, warm and liberating for any creative movement and exchange was perfectly set in Cirkus…
The meaning of tattvartha comes from Sanskrit and stands for truth, reality, real and true nature. This teaparty in the spirit of tattvartha was created by mixing the downtempo beats from Paulicious. All the visual coverage was made by RGB. Cozy, warm and liberating for any creative movement and exchange was perfectly set in Cirkus…
Ali kamen boli? Kam gre mavrica ponoči? Kako je nastal svet?
Otroci postavljajo sto in sto vprašanj, na katera ni mogoče enoznačno odgovoriti. Zato odrasli pripovedujemo zgodbe in z metaforami odgovarjamo tam, kjer ni mogoče zadeti naravnost, z vsakdanjo govorico. Miti naših prednikov nam ponujajo svojevrstne odgovore, ne dogmatične ali dokončne, temveč takšne, ki kot poetične zagonetke burijo domišljijo in porajajo nova vprašanja.