"Nič manj značilna ni enakost pravic v staroslovanskih družbah. Polno pooblastilo je pripadalo celotni skupnosti, in zatorej so se morali sklepi sprejemati soglasno. Prvotno je beseda mir pomenila občinsko skupščino in hkrati soglasnost njenih sklepov[...] Izraz mir odseva obdobje v katerem je imel vsak član skupnosti -- ženske ravno tako kot moški -- enake pravice."
-- M. Eliade
Immer auf der Suche nach dem Perspektivwechsel, erschafft … den Pianisten Johann Fritsche neue Welten. Dabei entstehen neue Räume voller surrealer Bilder und klangvollen Sphären, die sich in klaren Melodien zu Momenten der völligen Ekstase verzerren. Mit Energie, Spielwitz und Kreativität verschmelzen Kompositionen, Musiker und Zuhörer in einem Rausch.
My films are at general puppet animations or trick real time films. Its all my scool work from Prague UMPRUM. My work is based at useing matherials and items with its emotional notice value. Josef Žárský
Program: Animated selfportrait, 39'', 2017, material animation.
Content: Finding one's own essence.
Relation Splash/Pljusk Bližine/Soulouž, 2'17'', 2017, puppet animation.
Content: Wanderer walks through an inhospitable landscape. when he finds a shelter, meets an inhospitable friend.
My films are at general puppet animations or trick real time films. Its all my scool work from Prague UMPRUM. My work is based at useing matherials and items with its emotional notice value. Josef Žárský
Program: Animated selfportrait, 39'', 2017, material animation.
Content: Finding one's own essence.
Relation Splash/Pljusk Bližine/Soulouž, 2'17'', 2017, puppet animation.
Content: Wanderer walks through an inhospitable landscape. when he finds a shelter, meets an inhospitable friend.