se vselite v svoje stanovanje, počistite sranje in scanje in pokličete policijo
___________________________Marko Golob
Submitted by Elise on Fri, 19/03/2021 - 17:21.
/ Eighteen years ago, I was perched on my bunk in a makeshift squad bay, awaiting final orders to cross the border from ______ to ____
/// ___________________________
//// By the time we came home, most of the platoon was full-blown alcoholics, drug addicts, sex fiends, or some mixture of the three. Divorces, assault charges, DUIs, and stints in rehab facilities commenced, including suicides, drug overdoes, and cancer diagnoses. You know, the sort of shit they don’t show you on the commercials or talk about at the recruitment center.
//// Koliko svojih stvari pa je dobil ****** nazaj ?
/// Ne prav veliko..
//// MOL trdi, da je bilo vse popisano in skladiščeno ..
// za ogled dokumenta klikni preberi več
// Pogreb kulture : ______ _____________
//// Žalna slovesnost: pogreb kulture
/// Ko razumemo, da je selektivnost novic naklonjena tistim, ki imajo moč, položaj in bogastvo, preidemo od liberalnega pritoževanja nad površnostjo medijev, do radikalne analize, kako mediji z veliko spretnosti služijo vladajočim krogom.
//// Ja,ja saj razumem rusko že iz osnovne šole, ...
/// Samo pomagati hočem, _____.
/// In sum, the news media’s performance is not a failure but a skillfully evasive success. Their job is not to inform but to disinform, not to advance democratic discourse but to mute it, telling us what to think about the world before we have a chance to think about it for ourselves. When we understand that news selectivity is likely to favor those who have power, position, and wealth, we move from a liberal complaint about the press’s sloppy performance to a radical analysis of how the media serve the ruling circles with much skill and craft.
//// Zadnja novica : __________
/// Avantgardna umetnost _______ kdaj ?
// "Resnica se rada skriva" Heraklit
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