V soboto, 25. 3. 2006, se je v zapuščeni tovarni Rog začela izvedba novega socialnega programa ter odprla pobuda za začasno uporabo tovarne z namenom izvajanja neprofitnih in neuveljavljenih dejavnosti.

Rog roji ves čas, zato za obisk ni potrebno čakati. Najboljše se je kar oglasiti in stopiti v stik s trenutnimi uporabniki ter predstaviti svoje ideje in zamisli.

27. Januar, zjutraj ob kavi

Republika Notranji Rob Sistema

PART 4: астро卵.00

En Teden po Dogodku TALIBAN

Vesoljc in Rok pijeta kavo v transporterju na koti5.= Pokljuka= ,
ter prebirata najnovejše obveščevalne podatke

/// infoshop1
//// infoshop2

//// P____ R_____ poroča, da so v Rogu odkrili v celoti opremljen laboratorij za izdelavo metaamfetaminov.
/// A res, tako hitro ?
//// TeVe _love_____ pa v daljšem prispevku poroča o odkritju ogromne knjižnice s prepovedano marskistično literaturo..
//// Fak stari, stari tole zveni kot dosmrtna.

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"DiEM25 adopts Lenin’s apt analysis: walls that curb the free movement of people and goods are a reactionary response to capitalism. The socialist response is to bring down the walls and allow capitalism to undermine itself, while we organise transnational resistance to capitalist exploitation everywhere. It is not migrants who steal the jobs of native workers but governmental austerity, which is part of the class war waged on behalf of the domestic bourgeoisie." Yanvar

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RVB Vénus, 17

http://tovarna.org/files0/active/4/FILE0012 (Copiar) (Copiar).JPG">

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13 July, 2017

Today, July 13th 2017, WikiLeaks publishes documents from the Highrise project of the CIA. HighRise is an Android application designed for mobile devices running Android 4.0 to 4.3. It provides a redirector function for SMS messaging that could be used by a number of IOC tools that use SMS messages for communication between implants and listening posts. HighRise acts as a SMS proxy that provides greater separation between devices in the field ("targets") and the listening post (LP) by proxying "incoming" and "outgoing" SMS messages to an internet LP. Highrise provides a communications channel between the HighRise field operator and the LP with a TLS/SSL secured internet communication.

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