ALTER SALTER vas vabi na ogled filma "But I'm a cheerleader", ki smo ga omenili tudi na queer debati v SC ROGu.
//ALTER SALTER invites you on projection of the movie "But I'm a cheerleader", already mentioned on the queer debate in SC ROG.//
Film bomo zavrteli v cetrtek, 15.2.007 ob 20h v Socialnem Centru tovarne ROG, Trubarjeva, Ljubljana (stavba takoj za vhodom desno, znana tudi kot Hisa Cvetja)
//Projection will be on Thursday, 15.2.007 at 20pm in Social Center of Factory ROG, Trubarjeva, Ljubljana (after the main entrance building on the right)//
"But I’m a cheerleader is a 1999 satire film directed by Jamie Babbit about a high school cheerleader, Megan Bloomfield (Natasha Lyonne), who is sent to a reparative therapy camp, run by Mary Brown (Cathy Moriarty), to become a heterosexual after her friends and family have an "intervention" and tell her she is a lesbian. In the camp, “True directions”, homosexuals are redescovering their gender identity through different steps. The film is about building up gender who fits the norms of conservative heterosexual society and overcoming them.
ALTER SALTER vabi na 3. srecanje, ki se bo zgodilo 3.2.2007 v Socialnem Centru ROG na Trubarjevi v Ljubljani (takoj za vhodom, stavba na desni, znana tudi kot Hiša Cvetja).
Ob 21h bomo odprli QUEER DEBATO: Uvod v Queer teorijo, v katero se lahko aktivno vkljucite. V ta namen bomo brali Sullivan, Nikki (2003): »Queer: A Question of Being or doing?«. v:Sullivan, Nikki: A CriticalIntroduction to Queer Theory. New York, New York University Press, tekst vas čaka v Socialnem Centru Rog, kjer jih lahko dvignete vsak dan po 13h uri, in pa Weinberg, Jonathan: »Things are Queer«, ki ga najdete na spletni strani
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